
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Eyeless pig girl

Started by Asmodai, September 18, 2009, 12:07:13 PM

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OB1 is right. However, coming from my mind, and having gotten to know you a bit, I think it goes even deeper than his guesses hint. Keep dreaming. The answers will be revealed to you there, but will not be understood unless you are wide awake.


Have a look at a thread i started here on the dreaming board   dream entities - a personal view

I wrote this back in Feb and posted it up  because a lot of the questions that appear here on the dreaming board are related to this.

This was just a general article about what this eyeless pig girl might actually be. 

(Forget the 'might' it sure as hell is ok?)

Maybe i should post up the next part soon, all about what can happen next.


I read your Dream entities post OB1 and I found it very enlightening. I never considered some of those things. I supposed I just feel like my dream realm is mine and I can be selfish and I don't like to share it  :-)
However if sharing it will bring upon new horizons of knowledge then I would be willing.

I suppose it could be a pun of my appearance, but I don't think about my appearance that much. And yes I think my nose is a little big but I would look funny with a small one  :-)

Underneath I feel like an attractive person. I was just born with a good bone structure. If I was alive 200 years ago I would have been considered hideous. There are benefits to my outer appearance but they are not vital to my existence. I have often associated pigs with evil though (Bible stories from youth Matthew Chapter 8). So that was my first thought was that this must be something bad and if you have seen or read The Shining there is rarely anything good about a spooky little girl. So all those things could make up what I am seeing or why I'm seeing it that way. Or maybe this is a form it has chosen for a different reason unrelated to me.

I have been brushing it off and that may have set me back. I will persue. I will try searching her out and dreaming as lucidly as I can. Maybe if I ask questions other then "why are you here" it might be better. Or maybe if I approach it and it reappears some other place it might mean I need to follow. It may not think I'm ready. Maybe I need to meditate more before sleeping for induce lucid dreaming through meditation.
I will take you to the stars above higher then you have ever been...and then I will drop you to depths deeper then you've ever dreamt.

You should have been more careful. Have fun falling *kisses*

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