
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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I need help how to stop a body freeze!Urgent!!!1

Started by ancientwarrior, December 21, 2009, 06:04:21 PM

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hey monstrous crew,i need some help!about a week ago,i was on my bed half awake half asleep,then my body froze!so like after ten min of struggling and trying to scream my Lords name and  the angel michael{not funny}i i heard about these things around and people said it these little men with big head,in my cournty its call a from what i heard how to stop these things i directly clean my room wiht some cleaning chemical,and printed out a protecton pslm in hebrew,english and latin and pasted it around my rioom,and put two lime at my door.whats even stranger is that these thing happen late in the night not middle of the day,so this basterd was a bold one!so i need help if anybody knows anything about this and how to prevent this,becuse nothing freezes me in my room and then walk away,this is war!so i need all the help i can get,please respond!
Charles the Watcher OF Times and Unknown


What you experienced is nothing more than "Sleep Paralysis". Do a Google search on the subject and enlighten yourself... after you make some limeade and remove those printouts of the psalms.


ok,i read it,and very possible,but my mom had one in the night and there was something in the room going tru her bag,and after the freeze she saw her bag tumble over.since in my country they say people who deals with balck magic uses these bacroos to freeze people not to see them and steal money for them,so if u have an explaination for that im all ears,but the sleep paralysis is liklely pssible in my case
Charles the Watcher OF Times and Unknown


  Sleep paralasis is 99.9% the cause of your problem, however having your local church performing a blessing never hurt either.  No offence, but someone who is not initiated correctly in dealing with the spiritual is not necessarily the best person to do any kind of blessing.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Young man, I've been involved with the paranormal for my entire life... it runs in my family, and have been involved in what most consider the "black arts" for more than half of my life. One thing I have learned many times over is that the vast majority of things people attribute to supernatural causes; especially demonic-type things, can be explained with simple, even ridiculously subtle, mundane causes.

As for your mother's experience... that's quite easily explained, though the explanation would hurt a great deal and only make you disbelieve me more... So out of deference to your mother, whom I do not have the pleasure of knowing, I will keep my opinion on this matter to myself.

However, think on it a while, and you will realize that I am correct.


This happened to me nearly hundreds of time.

Where you feel you are in the room, frozen and cannot move and looking into the room.
It is Sleep paralysis after all.

I remember one of the conditions that triggered it. I had trouble with my father, then an argument ensued.
Which left me psychologically troubled, I didn't slept well. I force slept my self, I was in the dream reciting holy things, but no avail. Next thing happened I was in that paralysis condition. I woke after a while from that occurrence.
Try to relax in that dream, though you cannot as it is not one of the lucid dreams.

No demons, no nothing. It's usually due to stress associated with anxiety disorder, troubled and anxious and so on.

T avoid it. Sleeping in a regular time base. Reducing the amount of time sleeping late at night(By which you don't disturb your R.E.M). The list goes. But you must not tire your self and go to sleep, or eat too much and give your self a cramp and sleep.

Speaking of eating. I had a stomach gases trapped once while I was trying to sleep, and I thought demons invaded my stomach :P

I am going to research more about dream and dream interpretations, please PM and let us do it together, that's if and only if you are interested.   
There is nothing here. Move along.


You might want to look up ' Old hags syndrome' or 'Astral Catalepsy.'  Kinda sounds like what your explaining. Had it happen a couple of times. The first time it scared the crap out of me. Its nothing to worry about and its normal.


Quote from: WOLFSONG on December 24, 2009, 07:48:58 AM
You might want to look up ' Old hags syndrome' or 'Astral Catalepsy.'  Kinda sounds like what your explaining. Had it happen a couple of times. The first time it scared the crap out of me. Its nothing to worry about and its normal.

There is no such thing as normal when you wake up and finding scars, burn marks, leeches tooth indent all over your body.
There is nothing here. Move along.


Quote from: Dreamer on December 24, 2009, 07:59:23 AM
Quote from: WOLFSONG on December 24, 2009, 07:48:58 AM
You might want to look up ' Old hags syndrome' or 'Astral Catalepsy.'  Kinda sounds like what your explaining. Had it happen a couple of times. The first time it scared the crap out of me. Its nothing to worry about and its normal.

There is no such thing as normal when you wake up and finding scars, burn marks, leeches tooth indent all over your body.

Did I miss a page or something? I didnt see where anyone put all that about markings.  :?


Miyako. Nice pic you have...  :focus: I think you are right. It happened to me before.
Fire in the hole!?


Next time you feel like you are getting sleep paralysis, try concentrating on moving a little finger.  For me, that works to snap me out of it.  Once you get the little finger to wiggle, you should probably be ok.  If you can't manage that, try visualizing a white light around your like a shield, or if you are Christian, you can try visualizing a white cross over you.  Don't do that if it goes against your beliefs, you want to do something that you feel comfortable with, so you can feel protected and safe.
"The only thing that could spoil a day was people. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself" -Ernest Hemingway


Had another sleep paralysis few days back, strangely it was lucid and I just woke up by just thinking of waking up and get out from the bed. Barely a paralysis.
There is nothing here. Move along.


Whoa, wait... so what's all this about the cuts and toothmarks all over the body??? Because I know someone who gets scratches that look like claw marks all over his back... and he can't figure out how he gets them... Some parts he couldn't even reach with his own hands.
Cause I have nothing better to do.

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