
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Dealing With Bloodthirst

Started by Polaris, January 06, 2010, 06:33:54 AM

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The hunger or bloodthirst is an overwhelming drive towards forcing the body and the mind to pursue the attainment of blood.

A common misconception by the layperson, or the non-vampire, is that the Hunger is solely a psychological impairment that misleads the "sick person" into believing that he or she needs blood. A common assessment made by psychologists would be possibly paranoia, suicidal tendandcies, obsession, and/or a sadomasochistic "problem." To be blatantly honest, this is not the case. Granted, there is a psychological side to the Hunger. It is not an obsession, nor is it a "derangement." It is due to the genetic makeup of the vampire. Somehow, the body can not produce a large enough supply of pranic energy (ATP) to sustain the body. Food seems to just not contain enough energy to suit the needs of the vampire. Due to the enormous content of pranic energy (ATP) in blood, that would be the most logical choice for a food source. This is due to ATP being the source, in the eyes of modern scientific theory, of life. Unfortunately, it is too dangerous in modern day to feed in a way that would provide a consistent intake of sufficient amounts of pranic energy (ATP) due to legalities, persecution if discovered, etc. However, it is genetic in origin, as when a person that has been "crossed" into becoming a vampire inherits the Hunger from the "parent," be they natural born or "crossed."

Physical effects of the Hunger would be a very strong thirst regardless of the amount of liquids consumed. A feeling of "addiction" is also common so are stronger emotional reactions. Physical discomfort such as abdominal cramps, headaches from mild to migraine level, and feelings of lethargy are common when the Hunger has not been quenched through either the draining of energy through psychic channels or through the actual physical consumption of blood.

Treatments for the Hunger are extremely varied and the efficiency of these methods also vary greatly by the individual. One treatment for the psychological side of the Hunger would be hypnosis, due to its ability to shape habitual activities. It helps to subside the extreme emotions that arise during peaks of the Hunger. It also helps with subduing some of the physical aspects by diminishing them using the untapped abilities of the mind. Another treatment method is to take in foods high in ATP such as carbohydrates and starches for helping blood vampires. For the psychic vampires, attending events high in emotional energy such as concerts, bars, ball games, and clubs would be an easy way to take in large amounts of energy without hurting the individuals involved due to the sheer number of people there. One drawback to this method is an overload of emotional stimulation. To avoid this drawback, it is advised that you have an intake of some kind of emotional depressent such as alcohol (in moderation of course). Only small amounts are needed. This helps curb the emotional overload and the need for excess amounts of energy.

by Kris Davis

Someone asked me, "Any suggestions to help deal with hunger pangs?"

"Keep something in your stomach always," I replied. "Coffee..."

"Anything specific," they asked, "or just anything in your stomach? Or did I ask you already?"

I said, "If / when I get hungry it's terrible, so I try to keep something in my stomach at all times."

"I figured that...didn't know if some things helped more than others."

"I try to keep caffiene... -- if I drink water, it's not hardly ever just water, but water with something: coffee, OJ, soda...whatever."

Beware: Caffiene is a diuretic so will make you pee more than other liquids

"So liquids, then? Not always solids?" *smirk*

"A combo," I said, "so that I don't feel the hunger pangs, because they are terrible..." I added, "Food, liquids...then the Need is not so bad."

from Sanguinarius

"Try drinking red Gatorade mixed with a little bit of orange juice and beef broth and liquid multivitamins. (Try it, it tastes almost like blood and it's VERY nutritious.)"

from Sarah Dorrance

the blood from a rare/medium-rare steak is not the same as fresh, but it will keep you from going completely mad. A word of caution: Don't cook hamburger or ground meat rare or less-cooked than a very good medium-rare. There's the chance of it having E. coli, which is a surface bacteria, and might not get killed in a hamburger/ground meat if it's not cooked fully. E. coli gets eliminated when cooked, so if it IS present on a steak or something of that nature, then it won't be on the inside, -- just the surface -- and will be destroyed and safe to consume.

Yes, I know it's not the same, as I said. But unless you can find a source or sources, then you may need to resort to that once or twice a week. It IS better than nothing.

from Sanguinarius

Some alternatives might be satisfying due to their taste, composition, consistency or even color (which might be more psychologically satisfying, but whatever helps in any way, I say...). Some suggestions have been: Chocolate or chocolate syrup; tomato-based products such as ketchup (suggested by Shadow), hot sauce or V8 juice; spicy foods such as tobasco sauce (again, hot sauce) or hot peppers; beef broth or beef bouillion; half-set jello; green tea; a few spoonfuls of orange Tang powder (dry); pulpy orange juice; yoghurt; chicken or beef liver (cooked).

As always, you mileage may vary, as they say.  Try something and if it works, keep using it; if it doesn't, try something else instead.

from Sanguinarius and others

Try canned beef boullion/broth. Not the cubes -- the cubes are 90% salt. Don't let anyone tell you there's "no difference"; that only applies if you're COOKING. :) Warm it or drink it cold, doesn't matter. Primary ingredient should be "beef broth" or something similar. If you're low on funds, get one can to try.

From SphynxCat

She says that all energy is only borrowed; at some point you have to return it.

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