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was it real or my imagination ?

Started by timv1982, January 19, 2010, 08:10:29 AM

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Hey guys and girls let me first start off telling you a little about me and my beliefs. I am 27 years old ex military who doesn't know if demons and spirits are real or not. I did not even consider this to be a topic of debate until recently. I am a very strong minded individual. (Ask my GF she would hate to talk about it though) I don't deal or tolerate very well with weak minded people and usually I am very analytical and scientific. However, I have my own doubts now in some areas. I was watching a movie with my GF and I hate to say it, it was a horror movie and I was mocking the "demon" of the movie. My GF hates that I do that and do not or did not ? take it seriously. Anyways, at that point in time I kind of had a flash back. Now keep in mind I am ignorant to this and only want to expand my curiosity or possibility. Now I had a rush of memories come back to me from when I was a child, I do not know if it was my imagination or if it could have been something real. I would really like some clarification, cause if its real there will be hell to pay. I went to a Christian private school till the end of my second grade then started public school. However my years at that private school were not peaceful, I was taunted by something around every corner kind of like I was being stalked. I was able to see that creature or thing or imagination thing that was stalking me quite often. I would describe it as solid black reminds me of a shadow but the darkest shadow black you ever seen. Humanoid shape with no face or eyes, with 2 arms and 2 legs around 4ft tall maybe, but there were no traditional hands or feet, they were shaped diagonally triangle like, like blades maybe? I wish I could draw cause it is in my head as clear as day. Anyways I would be watched by this thing down the hallways as I would go the restroom and only generally when I was alone, but in crowds I would only see it peer around corners at me. Now I remember getting really mad one day and just annoyed and I wished it to leave me alone and I never saw it again.  I don't know like I said if this was my imagination or if this was real. I have never seen a ghost, I do not fear the unknown, and I am fearless to anything that it may or may not of been. I take insults, criticism, and feed back all the same.  Please everyone give me insight.
Fear is nothing but lack of will in the face of nothing.-ME


  This private school, did it have dorms at anytime, and if it did, were you in them?  Anykind of death in or around the area, violent or otherwise?  Did you feel cold spots in certain areas, witness anything moved from it's accepted place?
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


Quote from: timv1982 on January 19, 2010, 08:10:29 AM
Hey guys and girls let me first start off telling you a little about me and my beliefs. I am 27 years old ex military who doesn't know if demons and spirits are real or not. I did not even consider this to be a topic of debate until recently. I am a very strong minded individual. (Ask my GF she would hate to talk about it though) I don't deal or tolerate very well with weak minded people and usually I am very analytical and scientific. However, I have my own doubts now in some areas. I was watching a movie with my GF and I hate to say it, it was a horror movie and I was mocking the "demon" of the movie. My GF hates that I do that and do not or did not ? take it seriously. Anyways, at that point in time I kind of had a flash back. Now keep in mind I am ignorant to this and only want to expand my curiosity or possibility. Now I had a rush of memories come back to me from when I was a child, I do not know if it was my imagination or if it could have been something real. I would really like some clarification, cause if its real there will be hell to pay. I went to a Christian private school till the end of my second grade then started public school. However my years at that private school were not peaceful, I was taunted by something around every corner kind of like I was being stalked. I was able to see that creature or thing or imagination thing that was stalking me quite often. I would describe it as solid black reminds me of a shadow but the darkest shadow black you ever seen. Humanoid shape with no face or eyes, with 2 arms and 2 legs around 4ft tall maybe, but there were no traditional hands or feet, they were shaped diagonally triangle like, like blades maybe? I wish I could draw cause it is in my head as clear as day. Anyways I would be watched by this thing down the hallways as I would go the restroom and only generally when I was alone, but in crowds I would only see it peer around corners at me. Now I remember getting really mad one day and just annoyed and I wished it to leave me alone and I never saw it again.  I don't know like I said if this was my imagination or if this was real. I have never seen a ghost, I do not fear the unknown, and I am fearless to anything that it may or may not of been. I take insults, criticism, and feed back all the same.  Please everyone give me insight.
I saw you post over here first,7414.0.html  so I answered you there...


I do not know if it ever had dorms or not, I was young. Although I am sure with that age of a school some one ahd to of died there at some point in time. The name of the school is "Shiloh Hills" I am not certin if the address is woodstock for the city or marietta ? but it is in the Atlanta metro area. Cold spots I can not remember, far to long ago. Please anything else I can give you answers on for your own and my own clarfication dont hesitate to ask or to offer your oponion...
Fear is nothing but lack of will in the face of nothing.-ME

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