
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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Started by brittany cullen, February 07, 2010, 07:04:25 PM

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how can i do this

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brittany cullen

i need help I'm stuck in the human world and going to a human school but i have so many problems  <^> .  how can i blend in with them and be with them without wanting to bite them :? :? :?
brittany michelle cullen


Okay... I'll be honest: I'm trying to keep a serious mind at this, but you awfully sound like either a troll or Twilight fan. Sorry if that's not the case, but those aren't really rare...

I'll assume the biting part was referring to being a vampire? (If not, could you please explain in more detail?)

If so...
Tip: Vampires don't live in another world. They go to school, have a job and are stuck in the rat race just like everyone else. No vampire school, no vampire secret society.

It sucks feeling like you don't belong in a group, but believe me as I say this from personal experience: there's only one way to deal with it and it's... to deal with it. It'll make you stronger in the end.

About wanting to bite... I'm no vampire and so can't say "I know how you feel." so I'll give you the obvious answer: self control. Practice your discipline and learn to maintain it. It's a tough road, but a good one and it'll help you in many occasions. How you practice doesn't matter, just do it. Meditation, mental discipline exercises, breaking habits, etc. Hell, test yourself by taking cold showers if it'll help. Or check the vampire section (The Blood Track), I'm sure all that's been thoroughly discussed there.

(Same with being a werewolf if the biting part was referring to that instead.)

And this isn't a suggestion; it should go in the Mayday! Mayday! section. :wink:
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.



1) Identify Problem
2) Analyze Problem
3)Gather information on problem.
4) Determine if solving problem is cost effective. If it is continue to step 5. If you don't want to do this continue to step 11.
5) Create scenarios with data to determine best course of action, prioritizing efficiency and economy of available resources.
6) Determine whether you have enough resources for this to work. If you do continue to step seven if you don't want to do this continue to step 11.
7) Place/spend/use appropriate resources to set up scenario.
8) Begin scenario.
9) ????
10) Profit!

11) Screw it.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Well i know it can be hard not fitting in.....however maybe thats the best choice ya know.

please give more detail on the subject.


Don't worry about it. Heres whats going on. Please read all of this. I'm not making fun of you. I'm a vamp and I remember what it was like to be at school.
You are young and feel different. You probably escape into a fantasy life of vampires and werewolf whether this is through books, movies, role-playing or just good old imagination, and as such enjoy the idea of being one. Maybe you are one. You feel different and sometimes angry and monstrous at times. This led to you joining the vampire subculture. Its a place where you think you can explain your teen problems away with a simple "I'm not like them, I'm different" because you don't want to live up to the fact that you are just a kid in a school who is just as mixed up and confused about everything as everyone else. You need something to make you feel special and to be different, even if its just secretly to yourself because if you came out the coffin at school you would be a "freak". So you sit at school, in class, bored and restless looking at the person you have a crush on thinking about sensually biting them on the neck or the person you hate thinking about ripping there throat out. You feel like a bit of a loner even with friends because they don't understand what its like to be a vampire. To feel bound by this mortal body when on the inside you are an animal, an immortal monster with wants and needs that you believe could lead to you endangering your friends or them turning on you. Have you attacked anyone before? No, cause if you did you would be in a "special" school. So what makes you think you will now? Is it the boredom? In the boredom your mind can drift and go back to that place of shadows and monsters, where all you want is to hear the screams of the kid who won't stop cracking his knuckles or tapping his pencil.

This is what happens when the teen hormones mix with either the mentality of a sanguinarian vampire or therian or a wannabe vamp groupy.

All in all. Don't worry about it. You won't bite anyone at school.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Please post your topic in the correct forum

This does not belong here but in Mayday
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One


Quote from: Raziel on February 08, 2010, 04:39:41 AM

1) Identify Problem
2) Analyze Problem
3)Gather information on problem.
4) Determine if solving problem is cost effective. If it is continue to step 5. If you don't want to do this continue to step 11.
5) Create scenarios with data to determine best course of action, prioritizing efficiency and economy of available resources.
6) Determine whether you have enough resources for this to work. If you do continue to step seven if you don't want to do this continue to step 11.
7) Place/spend/use appropriate resources to set up scenario.
8) Begin scenario.
9) ????
10) Profit!

11) Screw it.

this will work for sure.

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