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Hat Men

Started by Carden, February 25, 2010, 10:23:06 AM

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I think they've gotten wind of my searching for them... last night was rather interesting. kept hearing a deep voice whispering when i would lay down to sleep. it would go away once i sat up.
normally, these things give me the creeps. even after all i've been through, not being able to truly see something that is there puts me on edge.
but this didn't. and it sounded like it should scare the crap out of me too.

my cats seem to be a little on edge as well.


From my own experience... It's most likely not what you think it is. There's this state called hypnagogia, in between sleep and wakefulness, where your brain starts receiving signals from dreams while you're still awake. Seeing light, hearing voices, music or phones, or even seeing people while in hypnagogia isn't a rare occurrence. Sometimes it just happens because you're really tired.

Cats are supposed to be more active at night. Although they are also active during the day, they tend to be a little more nocturnal. Keep in mind that house pets also often get attached to their master in such a way that they react to their emotions. I won't play psychiatrist, though; if that's why they're on edge, you can figure out.

But I might be wrong. That's just the impression I got. The way you described it, recurring voices and all, it sounds a lot like what I experience when I go in that state.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


i know what hypnogagoia is. and i was nowhere near it yet. i had just laid my head to the pillow. i was still completely awake.

and my cat's are little ass-monkeys at night. i realize they are nocturnal... boy do it... but this isn't just them being awake. i have one that is very protective. he will give a death stare to anyone who walks by the window and just sit there and watch them until they leave. he positions himself between my fiance and new people and just stares at them.

i keep waking up to him sitting on me and staring at the same area of the room. he's usually a spaz and likes to run around. it's rare for him to be so still and focused unless there's something there.

i talked to my fiance recently and she said she heard the same thing last night.


i've hear reports that once you start researching them, they will show up and try to scare you.
once i get one to stay put so i can talk to it, i will share with you all.


It's simple, then. Your cat's an animorph. He has a new fetish for whispering in people's ears when they sleep and promptly taking his animal form back. 8-)

In all seriousness, do try to converse with one; it would sure be interesting if we can learn more. Get them traps ready...! Or whatever you do to make them stay put...
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


if it were the other cat, that would actually be slightly probable... but this one's an inbred raised by a dachshund.

seeing as how i'm not sure of the nature of these beings, i have no idea what would make them stay put.


aaaaaand now i'm lucky if i see even a little blur anymore when i drive.

word got out and now they take off at the first sign of me.



Hello - I was very intrigued in reading this post. It has been at least 20 yrs since i actively associated with anyone who i could share certain thoughts with. Maybe it is a known term, however I never heard another person refer to them as Hat men. He, it, them what have you have been in my existence for a very long time.... In Texas..Colorado..New york.  Wish i could tell you more but what i have seen is best described as a watcher - man height, average build no discernible features and always in a blurred long trench coat type garment and hat. Gray to black in color and always the same shade throughout. My ex wife coined the term Hatman after she awoke and later described to me the apparition that stood over our bed and "watched' me. Found your usage interesting since I am extremely out of any loop and stumbled here primarily researching cryptic critters.  Waht and interesting site this is - and btw I thank you for the spell check lol - I need it -- X
The Man who exists in the greateast Darkness is he who dwells closest to the Light with he's back turned.


Quote from: Carden on March 02, 2010, 02:00:21 PM
aaaaaand now i'm lucky if i see even a little blur anymore when i drive.

word got out and now they take off at the first sign of me.


I have yet to see a hat man. If I do I'd probably steal his hat, it sounds like a cool hat.   They are an organization, so there are levels. They might even be a society, with scouts and intelligence gathering.
-The shadows connect us all-

rave phillaphia

sorry I don't mean to be ignorant but what exactly is a Hat Man?


I hear the whispering when they are near. It scares me to a point where my body is paralyzed then I see them getting closer to me...and I close my eyes and wish for them to go away. They never go away. They just watch me and eventually disappear. I know they don't like me and I feel..threatened by them..
Suicide girl takes her last breath, consumed by darkness and by death. And so it is the tragic end, of the wicked girl with the twisted grin.

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