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Seeking advice

Started by matthew321, March 02, 2010, 06:00:13 PM

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Okay so every time I try to do anything with my mind, particularly telekineses, I am unable to do it consciously. But I do crap all the time unconsciously like when i'm not thinking about it something random will move (pretty much anything will at least wiggle if not move). If I ever get anything consciously done I have to do the opposite to get what I want such as I have to try to pull to push (it is not that simple though because as soon as I realize my intention I screw myself)

It is as though my mind is reversed especially since I feel that term applies really well for some reason. (I am a very reversed person on pretty much everything, such as if I feel bad about doing something I'll do it and have a blast) I also have to think backwards when people say things because my mind is trained to think in deception so perhaps that is the issue.

Does anyone have any advice on what I should do if I wanted to hone my skills? Or at least get over this issue?
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


first of all, careful with trying to move physical objects. you can hurt yourself. i've gotten nosebleeds from trying to move a cardboard box.

to achieve an outward effect, you must first master it within. discipline your thoughts and feelings. get to know your internal processes. feel and adjust your chakras.
try to hear the vibration of your essence and the general tingle of your aura.

learning abilities is a long, and drawn-out process. it's basically a spiritual martial art and thus must be worked on every day. there is always room for improvement.


You know what? I have the same problem.

First time I tried moving something, it only worked once I started losing focus and same happened after that. Recently, I've been doing it consciously more often, but it's still a pain.

I'd like to give you spiritual mumbo jumbo advice like Carden, but truth is when doing psionics the best way is your way. I never learned what a chakra is, only that it deals with the energy in your body. I rarely meditate and the like. Yet, my results have been better than what most people report when they begin training. Chance? Bah, I don't know, but one thing's for sure, there's no way that works for all. The only way you'll get passed a mind block is the way you feel most comfortable. True, some people need quiet and total focus, but others don't; it depends on the person and that's a mistake a lot of people make.

So my best advice is sit for a while, get comfortable and ask yourself: why can't you do it? Once you got the answer, try to convince yourself that you can; explain it to yourself. Just... have an argument with yourself. Who knows, sometimes it helps.

I like seeing psionics like a martial art (or any other physical activity, for that matter, but I don't do sports, so a martial art it is) it's all about training and willpower. If you can't take full control over your mind, you cannot face your enemy and expect to win.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Thanks for the advice. I'm glad you are able to at least understand. I'll meditate and conquer this mental block.
I'll post if I have a significant improvement.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


I would like add some stuff that I believe it will help.

Be aware of the things that's happening arround you and about you, in one of my experiences you should know the what and the why and a little of the how.
The reverse reaction you get is in something yourself is contradicting like I want to pull but pushes, just like what kube typed that you will ask yourself why you cannot do it? and also ask what is contradicting me to do what I wanna do?.

it's okay to know yourself but it is alot better to know apply what you know about yourself.


When our bodie relax, our minds relax, when that happens, then we are open to limitless possibilities.

Our society is based on stress, so consciously relaxing to the point of openess where you can alter energy is very difficult partly because there are others energies who can interfere. The collective conscious so to speak. Get past that by learning how to put yourself into a Zone (your way to do this is your own choice).

and then try to practice it until it becomes second nature. Once that happens it will start to happen on a level where you won't have to think about "doing" it anymore. It will just come naturally.

This is what I have learnt about energy work through my own experiences. Just find a way that works for you and then keep practicing it. The rest will come naturally once it becomes part of you. Its like learning a new dance step. at first you will be stiff as a board worried about the others in the class and letting that affect you, but once you relax into it, it literally becomes a part of your body and you just begin to do the moves without thought to what comes next or how you are doing it.

I hope this makes sense. It does to me only because I am a dancer's daughter:)

or think of learing to drive....okay, that's an easier one:)

the key for me is being in that state of complete and utter relaxation that will allow you to do anything you desire anytime, anyplace, anywhere.


oh! i think i get what she means.
it's like a muscle. if you're already flexing it, you can't use it as well. it won't react as easy as if it was relaxed.


Kind of.

More like just keep letting it happen although it is awkward at first and just be aware of it when it does Eventually it will start to make sense and become second nature and then be more in your control.

Of course I could have just said that earlier, but I'm a better morning person :)zzz

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