
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Controlling dreams

Started by Anchitiquia, March 03, 2010, 02:25:33 AM

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Maybe its just me but when i realize I'm dreaming i can twist it to my will. Has anyone else just said wait a second this is a dream i rule this place and told things what to do?

Example: One time, several years ago, i was having a dream about Freddy Kruger trying to kill me (nothing new) but when he chased me down the hall of a hospital i opened a door to get away and walked onto the back porch of my dad's trailer. i then thought to myself wait you can't do that i must be dreaming.

As i jumped of the back of the porch Freddy slithered out from under it and told me he was going to kill me i just laughed and said "get out of my dreams" and promply turned my hands to chainsaw's and killed him. weird enough i just walked around and played for the remainder of time till i woke up.
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?


i do that all the time. finally got fed up with those dreams where something is after me but i can't run because i either fall down every few steps or it's like i'm running underwater. so i decided one night to turn around and just be the snot out of whatever it was. i threw it around like a ragdoll.

fun stuff.


Two words: Lucid Dreaming.


Running underwater thats a new way of describing it.

I always just say going in slow motion. Thanks Lupus my vocabulary is improving all the time. I thought lucid was like vivid.
Just cause something is clear doesn't make it distinguishable i guess.

Always nice to kill something thats unreal, undying, and imaginary.  :-D
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?


are you sure it's imaginary?


Well a dream is imaginary. Unless you dream reality and then kill that. lmao.  There isn't too much difference in that is there?
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?


One of my friends "dreamt" that she was in a fight with a Jaguar and that she was a warrior of some sort. At one point the jaguar threw her against a rock and she felt her arm hit it so hard she could hardly move it. When she woke up it was bruised. That's not the interesting part.

She was telling me about it at my house and when I got up to get us some drinks I heard "holy s**t!" I came back and she had picked up one of my books and apparently opened it onto a picture guessed it, a warrior hunting a giant jaguar.

Obviously there was either a message in this, or she was actually doing this in dream time and they (guides, guardians, etc.)  were trying to validate that it was a real experience.

I have also been told that there are some people that will go back and actually experience past lives in dream time. and that its lucid. I do believe we can exist in different places, so I buy that, but I don't know anyone who has actually had that experience.


My most vivid dream was being shot to death. I died in my dream. I then decided I wasn't ready to die and proceeded to will myself back to life. This caused me to wake up. For the next few days, I had this strange ache in all of the places bullets had hit me in my dream.

Still not sure about the implications (if any) of this dream, but it was definitely a strange experience.


I've had a reoccurring dream of how i died in my Cerberus form. (probably three times at most)

Going mad from the complications i was under i wake up in a room with purple sand. Each grain of this purple sand was so dense that if you tried to dig out it would crush you. kinda like each grain weighed like a bowling ball. besides the sand the room was completely empty. It had orange metal looking walls ,with one reinforced door, with bolts visable about half the size of a baseball periodically placed up and down attaching all the pieces of orange metal together.

I wake up from being unconscious in the dream furious wanting to kill the thing that had knocked me out. I run head's first into the wall. No good. In my anger i kept doing it crushing two of the four or five heads on me. (really couldn't tell how many it was all first person view.)

I eventually break the door down just to find a courtyard of the same orange metal with a door straight across, with two weird laser/missile/gun turrets on each side of the door. The courtyard having no roof it was night time. I could clearly see the light from a nearby red nebula to my left and a spiraling orange white and tails of blue galaxy off to the right.

Alarms sounded, people/things scrambled around the wall. I was already bleeding heavily from the first door opened, having two of my skulls split. Warnings was shouted to me in some foreign language. It didn't even phase me i just ran to the next door and started bashing it. After the second or third hit i was promptly shot to death by all the gunners.

Those guys weren't a freaking joke either lol before i died in the dream and woke up i had lasers cutting off my good heads and bullets pouring into my body that the remainders of the shells turned to some form of liquid acid/lava what have you and melted out of me. It only took seconds but it looked so real.
What is time but you in motion? What is motion without the time to use it?

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