
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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I have a theory to consider

Started by aeona, March 16, 2010, 06:26:53 AM

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On shadows,as seen as such that has been listed here and elsewhere, I have another theory that may apply to some situations.

I do know they are there, in a real, functional and undeniable way;
but at the same time many who are veiled appear seemingly like the man made of darkness.

Not all are meant to be seen by those they watch no matter the definition of the being/person.
We do know that very little is what it seems here in the very mold-able third dimension, right?
At the same time I would never say trust implicitly.
I told someone close to me to consider if the desired effect of that he was seeing was to be scared, anxious, and in general in a nasty state of being.
Why else would things CHOOSE to look like a bad horror movie monster? (Flocks of bunnies, in my opinion would be much more a fright. Fark, people in most cases are a completely insane by definition)

Discernment is essential.
Just a thought...

Thou shalt find to the left of the House of Hades a spring,
And by the side thereof standing a white cypress.
To this spring approach not near
But thou shalt find another, from the Lake of Memory


That just because it may appear like a shadow, that that may very well not be the case.
In my experience some people that have talent appear just as a shadow. 
Veiled as something to cause pause at the vary least. To cause fear at the worst.

Sorry that I was not clear before.    :|

Thou shalt find to the left of the House of Hades a spring,
And by the side thereof standing a white cypress.
To this spring approach not near
But thou shalt find another, from the Lake of Memory


i think they appear that way to try and remain out of sight.
this is one mystery i don't think i'll ever get to explore... they don't like me.

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