
I'm not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted hotels, I'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings. - Walter Jon Williams

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Nervous and Unsure - Faeries?

Started by Bracken_Reedweb, April 03, 2010, 09:04:29 AM

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I've always been a very whimsical and imaginative person. I've always preferred doing things like listening to music, playing music, dancing, drawing, painting, reading, and just walking through the park, the forest, or along the beach to things like sports, video games (With the exception of "The Legend of Zelda" and "World of Warcraft", of course...), going to the mall, etc. I've never liked loud, crowded places. I like quiet and solitude. I spend the majority of my free time daydreaming.

I've always felt a sort of connection to the supernatural, and I've always been deeply fascinated by it. Ever since I can remember, I've wondered about witches, faeries, and mermaids especially. I've always felt that these things, these beings, were absolutely necessary to our world, and that, if you I really wanted to, I could see them if I tried. But up until yesterday, I had never tried.

I had been feeling especially curious about faeries for the past week or so. I made up my mind that I would try to contact them, try to see them and possibly even talk with them. I went to countless websites, trying to find the best way to do it. One website in particular recommended that I plant a garden full of the faeries favorites plant and flowers, that I plant one or two of their favorite trees. I had already planned to do that this spring anyway. The next thing that the site recommended was to create a faerie altar. I cleared off a small wooden table (It's very pretty, it's painted white and has swirls and leaves carved into the side) and made it my faerie altar by placing a round pink wood-woven basket, a glass vase filled half-way with clear stones and water, a fresh pink rose, a glass egg-shaped statue with red swirls inside of it (very pretty), a glass candle-holder, and a plain white unscented candle. I lit the candle and left to do the last thing that the site had recommended, blowing bubbles and meditating.

It was about 8:30 pm. when I went out, so it was pretty dark. The only light in my backyard was coming from the windows of my house and the small colored lights that are hung around the railing of the deck. I went out into the middle of the yard, sat down cross-legged, asked quietly if there was anyone out there and if so, would they like to play with me, then began to blow bubbles. In between blowing bubbles, I would, in the same quiet voice as before, talk about how much I liked bubbles, ask them if they liked bubbles too. I told them that I had picked out strawberry-scented bubbles especially for them, I asked if they liked the strawberry scent, and if they didn't, I would be more than happy to buy a different scented bottle of bubbles or an unscented one. Right around the time I started asking them questions like that, the wind started blowing. Now, the air had been completely still just a moment before, then it suddenly blew very hard. It may have just been a coincidence, but nevertheless, I smiled and continued to blow bubbles and quietly speak to the faeries. After a while, I started to get cold, so I politely aid that I was getting cold and that I was going to go back inside now. I said that i would come back out the next night and blow more bubbles and talk some more. Right as I got up to go inside, I heard the grass rustling as though something or someone was running through it, and I heard the faintest sound of giggling. I smiled and went back inside.

Before I went to bed, I put a couple cookies (very buttery-tasting flower-shaped cookies with a dollop of green icing on top), three slices of French bread (one buttered, one sprinkled with sugar, and one plain), a small yellow cake with lemon icing, two royal icing flowers, and a small saucer of warm milk with honey. I said as I was placing the offerings in the basket that the treats were an offering to the Fair Folk out of love and respect for them.

I went to bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up about an hour and a half later, at 12:30 am. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't (which is very odd for me because I almost never have any trouble sleeping) I heard rustling coming from the direction of my faerie altar, it sounded like the basket was being brushed up against. I also heard lapping sounds, as though the milk in the saucer was being drunk. At first I thought it was my cat, Butterscotch, but she was curled up right beside me on the bed, staring in the direction of my faerie altar. I looked over at the altar, but all I saw was the flicker of the candle burning. I eventually fell back asleep sometime around 1:40. I woke up again at about quarter-to-three, heard the same noises, looked over, didn't see anything and went back to sleep. When I woke up this morning, at 7:00, I walked over and examined the altar. Everything was exactly as I left it, except for the candle had burnt out, and the offerings all had a plastic look and feel to them.

I'm not sure if my trouble sleeping and the noises I heard were faeries or just the result of how nervous I was about trying to contact them. I truly believe in faeries and I always have. I want more than anything to contact them, but I feel like my fear and nervousness will offend them or make them especially wary of me.

Do any of you have any advise, or anything to say about my experience?
I know nothing, because I know too much, and understand not nearly enough and never will.


Oh! Well, the candle was in a high glass holder, so it wasn't touching anything, and all cloth, plastic, and any other such flameable things were a safe distance away. My mother almost always has candles lit in our house, so I thought it would be alright, but I'll definitely be very careful with candles and fire!

And I know witches aren't supernatural beings like faeries or mermaids, what I meant was that I've always been fascinated by the way they do things, spells, just their spirituality in general. I think it's amazing that humans are capable of such a thing!

Thank you for replying!

I know nothing, because I know too much, and understand not nearly enough and never will.

Broken Window

That is highly interesting. Have you tried to contact them since?
I believe in the probability that they could have come in your room in the middle of the night. Specially if you heard giggling. It's hard to say though. Have you had any luck in the past couple months?


This is highly fascinating, I'd recommend trying it again, maybe without the ladygriffin said, kind of dangerous..especially if fae of some sort is entering your house, even fae can be clumsy and knock things over.

One word of warning though...Fae can be mischievous and not all nicey nicey as people think, pixies especially.

Try leaving out some elderflower wine aswell, I've heard of that working before.

Keep us posted.

~~An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass~~


As long as the entity did not talk to you, it can be any animal (through some animals do talk).
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


Contacting the old ones isn't something you can do easily. Sometimes they won't come even when you want them to. They usually talk to you, not the other way around. I have loved faeries since i was little (8 years old) and I don't mean tinker bell and the blue fairy, i mean the creatures you can read about it all the old stories. I had a book from the library that had been published in 1910, and probably should've been in a safe or something, with beautiful engravings and gruesome old stories of faeries and people. I ate them up, except for baba yaga, who scared the crap out of me.


I have only recently been privileged enough to be contacted by the old ones. I was walking in the park, and I heard a soft musical tone, a clear and pure note in the air very close to me, only a few feet away. It wasn't a radio; there were no homes or roads close enough. One night, I dreamed of the same park, sitting on a bench when a man passed by, wearing a large cloak or sheet of scales, like a lizard skin. he bent down and very casually kissed my neck, just below my ear. the next morning, I had a rash, an oval patch that my sister said looked like a hicky. I wasn't sure whether to be pleased or annoyed....the next day we found a snake at the park, it was hurt so we took it home, where we kept it as a pet for a few months until it escaped.  On this day I had it in my pocket, and we were walking in a field. The snake was so well behaved that we took him outised often, to the store and on walks. I was following abutterfly (cliched i know, but true) when i realized it was gone. Strangely, I then heard my family all shouting for me, and looking around, though we were in a flat field with no obstructions and only knee high grass. They asked where I had been, if I had been lying down, because they had been unable to see me. I had been standing the whole time; I must have been temporarily invisible, or maybe I was going over to the fey's realm? I'll never know, I guess..and it's probably better off. Nothing good usually comes of mortals in  the Fey Courts.
You look at all that is, and ask: Why? I dream of things that never were, and ask, Why not?


More than likely it was not the Fey that were attracted to the altar. As Fay has said, contact with the Fey is very difficult & often dangerous. I do want to encourage you to continue to learn as much as you can about the Fey. Edain McCoy & Ted Andrews have a few very good books that would be an excellent start. Please do not attempt contact until you have done quite a bit more studying. The altar & offerings are a great way to ingratiate yourself to them & to bring them around but I am advising against anymore direct contact. Do take time to try & listen for them/notice signs from them. Fay mentioned a high tone, this is commonly accepted as evidence of the Fey's prescence. The more you learn the more you will realize just having them around is usually more than enough & direct contact isn't needed.


If the Fay are being chatty then talk back. Enjoy your time communicating. Dont piss them off though. And they are easily pissed off. Remember, these beings are beyond our reality, beyond demons and ghosts and human magik. They can crap better magik than the most powerful of human magik users. These are the beings that look at our worst nightmares as we would look at a small dog. We aren't scared, but we understand why lesser creatures are. They are living nuclear weapons with the temper of a teenage brat. Be super nice or they will do what they want to you, and you can't stop them. Have a piece of iron handy, not on your person. They see that and they will get angry. Just close by.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


I can vouch for a lot of this. I have a friend who is a Changeling, and he is a great friend, easy to speak with and quite knowledgeable, and almost as quick to anger as I am. For some reason angry Fey, especially angry Unseelee(my friend is an Unseelee Changeling), are extremely amusing. I always have to repress the urge to laugh when he gets mad for any reason...

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