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Is Religion a Factor?

Started by Bracken_Reedweb, April 03, 2010, 12:41:49 PM

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Now, I know this may sound strange, but although I strongly believe in the existence of faeries, mermaids, vampires (and no, I don't mean the pure idiocy portrayed in "Twilight"), true witches/ warlocks/ wizards, ghost, demons, aliens, etc... I don't really believe in God. I suppose, at one point I used to believe, I used to just love everything they taught us in Sunday School...but, over time I became very cynical and bitter when it comes to Christianity.

That's certainly not to say that I don't believe in the spiritual, because as I said, I believe in pretty much all aspects of the supernatural. It's just that Christianity, and other such overly-organized religions seem so cruel and...well...un-spiritual!

When it comes to religion, I've stated before (on other sites, in person) that I'm an Atheist, but that not really true. I then thought that I was more of an Agnostic...but, that's not right either!

I lean more towards the spirituality of nature, of the Earth it's self, not some all-knowing and perfect entity called God.

So, what I want to know is: Does my disbelief in God have anything to do with how faeries, or any other kind of supernatural being think of me?
I know nothing, because I know too much, and understand not nearly enough and never will.


Oh? That's really good to know!

I don't care what the church thinks of me, apparently no matter what I do, according to them, I'm going to Hell simply because I'm not heterosexual...

Thank you so much for replying!
I know nothing, because I know too much, and understand not nearly enough and never will.


  Couldn't have stated it better my self Lady.  Church............................even saying that word leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


I don't think supernatural creatures would give a damn about your religion. They all tend to have there own anyway. I'm catholic. I don't feel anyone here judges me for it and I don't believe you are damned for not believing in god. I take all religions as I take all folklore. Get rid of all the propaganda and nonsense and you will find some truth.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Not many super natural beings even care about your religion. Those that do still won't look negatively upon you for it. Except for a few but the ones you listed are usually neutral.

If anyone calls you crazy for believing in such things then tell them to prove they don't exist besides a lack of evidence. If they fail then proceed to laugh.

Many of these beings have left the company of humans or humanoids for that matter. The "evil" pagan religions actually had a lot of interaction (rituals) with these beings. But that was a long time ago. Christianity managed to crush so much of this down to earth religion. Now i'm not saying it was perfect but it was more spiritual then Christianity.

I am saying Christianity is bad, anything that believes in god is bad IF IT HAS A LABEL, a label is a restriction and spirituality is about growth. With a label restricting that growth there will be odd forms and unnatural forms from it.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Quote from: matthew321 on April 04, 2010, 05:38:08 PM
Not many super natural beings even care about your religion. Those that do still won't look negatively upon you for it. Except for a few but the ones you listed are usually neutral.

If anyone calls you crazy for believing in such things then tell them to prove they don't exist besides a lack of evidence. If they fail then proceed to laugh.

Many of these beings have left the company of humans or humanoids for that matter. The "evil" pagan religions actually had a lot of interaction (rituals) with these beings. But that was a long time ago. Christianity managed to crush so much of this down to earth religion. Now i'm not saying it was perfect but it was more spiritual then Christianity.

I am saying Christianity is bad, anything that believes in god is bad IF IT HAS A LABEL, a label is a restriction and spirituality is about growth. With a label restricting that growth there will be odd forms and unnatural forms from it.
that's a nice way of putting it...
But talking about christianity...
Let us take the concept of gods for a second... how did they come to be...
Gods were invented by humans because in history they weren't as advanced and intelligent as we are now...
The world was full of mystery and things they did not understand, like why does the sun come up at day and the moon at night?
What makes it rain?
Why does thunder make so much noise...
All these things were questions they could not phantom an explanation for it...
This is when gods came to be, sort of...
It <put event here> because <put name of god here> because <put reason for event here>...
I'm stating it like that because that's actually how these things came to be... And people believed it because then it made sense to them...
Later on some religions came with 1 god, like the jews... who did everything, same reason again was to explain things they couldn't understand, like, why are there so many gods? they compared them with themselves, there was now way so many gods could get along like they were tought to be.
I know gods were also come to existances true prophets, well suffice it to say that those people were people who were continuously thinking about those questions, resulting in dreams in which their minds puts all pieces together and they believe them to be sent to them by the gods or god themselves.

Now, angelus, I respect your choice of religion, people actually need some sort of religion to give them morals and things to believe in, and maybe your religion is the one of truth, maybe it isn't, there could be a real god out there, but this is the largest reasons gods came to existance.
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Me thinks that we should stop labeling things evil and get on with our unlives. Who gives a s**t what they think.

*angry mob outside*

WEE DOO!!!!!

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Before Raz gets lynched and burned at the stake we can probably rap this up. Religion is just a way for people to cope. To believe that there is a greater being out there and that we don't live and expire for nothing. People can mock me for being catholic, but I'm on the inside so I know the best poedophilia priest jokes. I believe in a head god. The one the christian religions would refer to as THE god, the vikings Odin, the Greeks Zeus. I have my own religion that is a mix of all religions. If it turns out catholicism is right, don't worry. I'm coming to hell with you all.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.


Quote from: Angelus on April 05, 2010, 11:19:20 AM
Before Raz gets lynched and burned at the stake we can probably rap this up. Religion is just a way for people to cope. To believe that there is a greater being out there and that we don't live and expire for nothing. People can mock me for being catholic, but I'm on the inside so I know the best poedophilia priest jokes. I believe in a head god. The one the christian religions would refer to as THE god, the vikings Odin, the Greeks Zeus. I have my own religion that is a mix of all religions. If it turns out catholicism is right, don't worry. I'm coming to hell with you all.
amen to that:p
I won't judge people on their religion, it's a valuable thing in life and who knows, it might be true:)
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


WHatever. the point is, religion is a form of society and society's main function is the propagation of itself via the prosperity of its members versus opposing societies.
This can be done via conquering an opposing society or co-existence, or even the destruction of said opposing society.
However though should one live within a society, one should also acknowledge the existence of self and its survival.

This then goes into how people tend to see value in their lives and how this affects their sense of responsibility.

But  :focus:

I also agree with angelus. It is also a way for which people can see meaning in their lives and is thus not good or evil when taken from a personal and societal point of view as it promotes the will to live with its members.

But then bad ideas do come from time to time.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


One must remember that human beings have changed very little since we first came about(how we came about is up to you as far as belief).  We've progressed solely on a social level.  But as a species, we're still the same savage hunter-gatherers we were before we discovered agriculture.  This is the main reason our societies fall.  We structure our civilizations like hives and ant colonies.  But the reason these forms of society are successful in the animal kingdom is the absense of individuality.  Each member has a preset purpose, unargued and unchallenged.  But to rob someone of their individuality is unacceptable.  We are our own contradiction.  Throughout history we've built great civilizations and powerful nations.  And throughout history these very civilizations all fell.  Its like a house of cards.  The higher you build it, the more unstable it gets.  All its takes is one significant mistake from the inside or a strong gust of invading wind from the outside to bring the whole thing down.  Yet once the dust has settled, for some reason we rebuild, over and over and over.  It seems our creative/destructive nature forbids us from doing otherwise.  Its a cruel circle in a sense, the snake devouring its own tail.  Only when we cease to be human, either via evolution or some other form of transcension, will this fact of life change.  This is of course my own personal belief, based on what I've observed.  Which brings me to the subject at hand.

Your faith is your own, your one true possession.  Always will be.  But hold tightly to it.  There will always be others trying to capitalize and manipulate it to serve their own will.   
To act human is to give meaning to something meaningless.

Sanity is a matter of perception.


Regarding what you said about the difficulty inherent in attempting to force highly individual entities into establishing an organised civilization, I suppose this is where religion, at least the highly centralised type anyway, comes in. In order to establish some degree of social cohesion and unity, common social values are necessary. An excellent way of laying the foundation for such a system of shared morality is to employ religion as a vehicle for disseminating beliefs that are deemed essential for the continued existence a certain civilization or culture. This is especially true with the Biblical faiths like Judaism which use the concept of a single omnipotent deity to justify and enforce certain social norms.
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight


I am locking this topic as it is old and holds very little relevance to fairy folk. But I will keep it up as it is an interesting topic and if anyone would like to start a new discussion about it please do but try to keep it mainly Fae.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

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