
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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Started by Levinthross, April 10, 2010, 06:34:38 AM

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hell o everyone :) i was hoping to get a spot of help in my grimoirse classiciation and arrangement
especially regarding types of spells. so i was wondering what everyone elses definitions o certain types of spells for instance
what do you feel constitutes a hex or a jinx what is the distinction between the two? what do you feel differentiates
a curse from a enchantment?or the difference between a charm and a blessing.?

awaiting your thoughts
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


I'd say hexes and jinxes would be subcategories of a curse. A jinx the way I see it would have minor effects such as bad luck, etc. A hex, on the other hand would be more active, in a way.

A curse would be malevolent, while a blessing/enchantment would be benevolent. The difference between a blessing and enchantment would be in my opinion that the blessing comes from another entity completely, while an enchantment is either completely or partially done with your own power.

The way I see it (maybe due to playing too much Diablo II when in elementary school, who knows...) would be an object in itself. Basically a charm is an enchanted object with the only use being the enchantment it brings.

EDIT: I forgot to add, I'd tend towards classifying blessings under enchantments, since there's little difference.

Basically you've got Curse (Hex / Jinx) and Enchantment (Blessing / Charm)
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


Quote from: Ladygriffin on April 11, 2010, 02:00:17 AM
After some further thought on the subject:

I'm not all together sure that the best way to classify is by type of spell. Is it even possible to definitely categorize a spell as being of a certain type?  :|

I, personally, prefer sorting by what they are for (ie love, money, health, etc), and create subcategories from there on. And possibly to sort them after how much and what type of ingredients I need for the casting.

My thought being that it's more important to find a suitable spell, than it is knowing the type of it.

I'd have a problem with the malevolent spells being mixed up with the benevolent ones... (That's the overused wrong spell tv trope talking for me)

I'd think they should at least be classified by benevolence/malevolence and then by their domain, but that's just me.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


The great thing about a Grimoire is that it is totally personal. It can be arranged in any way you like. Since the spells in a Grimoire tend to lend their energy to the book itself I would suggest having seperate ones for benevolent spells & one for malevelent spells.


hmmm i always thought you had to enchant the book itself but i could see the spells held within also afecting the general
nature of the book.

As ive been taught a blessing is basically what alot of wiccans would call empowerment were a spirit or person convays energy usually of a general nature to a person place or thing.

  whereas a blessing is more of a acknowledgment of existence for example if you asked a spirit to bless a aple the spirit bears witness to the apple existing and since the spirit is a spirit it  acts as a representative for the spirit world. so in turn a spirit acknowledging the apples existence gives the apple a spiritual existence as well as the physical apple this is why you would pray over your food so that the food takes on a spiritual aspect and thus can also nourish your spiritual body as well as the physical.

jinxes were taught to me as mere misfortune or spells which cause general misfortune and thus are really ambiguous because misfortune in and of itself can essentialy refer to anythin.

curses were always under the same jurisdiction as enchantments and bindings as well these types fospells were used for permanently altering the spirituality of something and the way that object interacts with magic for example you could enchant a shoe to hold magical power or by changing the spiritual nature of a lamp from  filled with etheric lamp *stuff* to empty cavernous and  constrictins so that you could storeenergy or spirits within it.

however recently i have found some examples in of which a curse is a way to get revenge by evoking the aids of spirits to witness someones crossing of your will or breaking of some law which is recognized by spirits as just which gives spirits the freedom to avenge the crossing of the rule. which seems to coincide slightly with karma but is also the way i tend to commune with spirits calling on pacts that there ancestors made or some job theyve failed at and thus forcing them to obey my will through there own laws and such.

hexes were taught to me as essentially interchangeable with jinxes but i regard hexes as changing someones almost like a blanket or net which you entrap someone with that changes the way that there spiritual energy manifests metaphorically it would be as if i hexed someone it would be similiar to putting a color screen infront of a white light the color screen being the hex and the white light being a person, now the color screen doesnt change the light itself but you no longer see  white light just green so i it was a hex of sickness the person would have a intact spiritual self just a "blanket" of hex energy attached to them which causes there natural energy output to be turned on to themselves causing the illness.

lastly charms were a part of magic i learned on my own but from personal experience i beleive that charms are diminuitive enchantments and can be best described as talking to the spirit of a object or communicating with the object so that its energys can do a multitiude of things contrary to its nature like convincing a rock to fly or debating wether or not a lock should open

this is just what ive come to beleive now but due to my new thoughts on curses and inept knowledge of jinxes ive come to you beautiful coalition of spellworkers to help me decide whats what and what goes where in my grimoire
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


You can bless or do a devotional spell for the book itself which will protect the book & the writings within but the writings have their own "power" for lack of a bettr term.

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