
The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination. - Richard Wright

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Curiousity, my biggest weakness...

Started by champjklccmk, May 17, 2010, 04:29:37 AM

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Hey ya'll! It's been a while... If anyone remembers, I made a thread last time regarding my insterest in magic... Thanks to LadyGriffin for helping me... Now I'm learning lots of stuff from our local class of magic... Sadly, I've only ever read, heard and seen Dark Magic... And I don't mean things like hair loss or minute curses... I mean full blown, blood curdling kind of magic... Many of these have been used for revenge and the results were horrendous... There were cases of disfigured faces that were once pretty, houses that never looks any better no matter how many times you fix or clean it, and the worst was a whole family being killed and no one can explain why... Of course, the police have never attibuted these to be supernatural, so they're never solved properly...

I've done my best to learn them from a scholarly perspective and not get too entrenched, but the temptation is almost overwhelming... Then there was that one time when I happened to ask a certain old witch (that's what she is seen as, though she never admits that she is) about a certain curse that was used about a hundred years ago on an entire community... From what I could tell from what I've read and heard, they were wiped out almost overnight... The moment I mentioned this, I was whacked in the head and got yelled at to never mention it ever again... It was my mistake, I know... But I was far too curious... Has anyone here ever felt like that towards Dark Magic?
Fear not death, for it is there that you find peace... But do not forsake life, for its is there where you find happiness, even though it is just but a moment...


nope, best to stay away from dark magic.
Several reasons are: the law of 3... if you abuse magic you get it back 3fold, it's addictive, and besides the law of 3 there is always I price you pay for using it... It's dangerous not only to others.
I have felt the darkness in myself and I know I should not use it, because it won't bring me any joy... dark magic looks and feels powerfull and a wondrous thing, but it will never bring you joy except if you're a psychopat, which I doubt you are?

Though learning about the dark magic is a smart thing it's best not to learn how to use it, but rather how to dispel or block it... or other ways to protect you and others from it.

There is a good reason that woman did what she did when you mentioned it... it's a dangerous thing to even talk about it :) that much I know, even learning how to fend such magic is dangerous because the use of it can be very appealing and once you used it you're most likely going to be addicted to the rush it gave you.

If other's here notice things that aren't correct in my post feel free to correct them.
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Quote from: Ladygriffin on May 17, 2010, 07:51:33 AM
I didn't encourage your interest in magic, to have you end up as an evil sorcerer, champ!

Black magic is alluring. The reason you feel drawn to it is that it's so "spectacular". The results are often dramatic and it fools you to believe that you are on top of everything, with unlimited power.
But in the end it will only bring you sorrow and despair, feeling empty and alone (and that's the best case scenario).
my point exactly ^^ good to see I got that point right^^
dark/black magic is always dangerous, it's deceiving, even to it's user :) or rather said: mostly to it's user
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Haha, don't worry LeXtruX, I'm no physcopath, I can feel emotions at least... And to Ladygriffin, I'm not planning to be an evil sorcerer or anything... Like I said in my last thread, I'm mostly interested in Magical Theory, in other words, through reading and learning, not practicing... Though, I've learned that even that carries a significant amount of risk...

It's just, I love the feel of the magic as I read them, you know? The ancient scripts, secret writings, forgotten glyphs, the feel of the tree bark or the withered leaves... Heck, I'm even lucky enough to have been able to get as much sources as I did... Though after my little stunt, my priviliges have been revoked somewhat... I was so fascinated by them that I forget sometimes that what I'm researching isn't all that good of an idea... Still, I never thought that growing up in such a rural community would have such perks...

On a similar matter though, would it be alright if I compared notes with you guys? I just want to see how different the magic I've learned about is compared to others, particularly curses... How to avoid them, nullify them, etc... I've gotten a bit paranoid about them lately you see... It would really help in my research...
Fear not death, for it is there that you find peace... But do not forsake life, for its is there where you find happiness, even though it is just but a moment...


Hello Ladygriffin... Thank you very much for your consideration... :-) I've already read the threads and even posted some of my thoughts... But don't worry though, I've made as many insurances as I could without causing loss of balance between them... I've got charms from roots, protective glyphs that were personally given to me by the most powerful practitioner I know and even made a contract with a few friends from the otherworld (though I don't know how you can call lighting candles around a mound of earth and saying a few words to ask them for help would qualify for a contract). They didn't talk back but my teacher says it was ok so I'll just have to trust in that...

Thanks again... Also, would it be alright if I start a new thread to compare notes about curses? My teacher says that she's leaving it up to me of whether I should share info to other people but cautioned me to be very careful about it... But it won't be like I'm gonna be teaching curses to people, but rather to see the difference in curses here and abroad... It's ok right?
Fear not death, for it is there that you find peace... But do not forsake life, for its is there where you find happiness, even though it is just but a moment...


Hey, Hey, Hey... Calm down, its ok... To answer your first question, the creature is what we call a duwende, or something like a leprechaun in irish mythos... They're very powerful guardian spirits who protect the forest and those who care for it... Usually bright and cheerful, they become amazingly wrathful when their home is threatened... If you make a pact with them, they ensure your good fortune and they serve as good wards against evil... But only so long as you don't harm the forest or anything... I have a surprisingly strong affinity to their kind...

And my teacher is one of the most recognizeable figures in our clan... I should have mentioned that earlier... She's a senior practitioner in magic and has extensive experience at dealing with the supernatural... She's also one of the most respected elders in our town... At first she refused to teach me actually... But after putting me through a lot of grueling tests (at my suggestion) to make sure I was trustworthy and not just some punk out for a ride, she finally agreed... So no need to worry there... She's explained all the pros and cons of magic and taught me simple counter spells for each specific spells... They're not perfect though, as expected of a beginner, but my teacher says I'll be ok as long as I stick to her lectures and not get ahead of myself...

As for the new thread, I guess I shouldn't go on with it... I'd get booted out otherwise, hehe... Thanks for everything though...
Fear not death, for it is there that you find peace... But do not forsake life, for its is there where you find happiness, even though it is just but a moment...


Um, dunno if you would approve, but her teachings are a little bit different... She says that the reason we fear dark magic was because so we know so little about it other than it's scary... But in order for us to attain true understanding of magic, we should include the dark along with the light, in our learnings... Shadow and day hand in hand creates the balance in the nature of magic that is needed to to keep it from falling apart... But she did say that even though this was the case, we must tread carefully... We must not dismiss any facets of magic but niether should we delve in it too deep too fast... Even white magic can harm if used in nefaruse means... She does not discourage learning black magic, but she will not tolerate using it other than in the most critical moments and even then it should be kept in a very short leash as it will most certainly harm the user as well... That, combined with my research has made me very cautious, not only about Dark Magic, but on every form of magic...

All in all, so far my opinion about magic is that I will not use it if I can help it... My only interest in magic will be to research it, record it and ultimately understand it at a distance... It will be like the gun you bought for protection, locked away in a safe, but never fire even until you grow old and die of natural death...
Fear not death, for it is there that you find peace... But do not forsake life, for its is there where you find happiness, even though it is just but a moment...


it seems you're not getting the point, though the terms we use for them are offcourse wrong.
White magic is harmonic magic in most cases, but can do horrific things, but they only do what they do, nothing else
black magic has a will of it's own, let's the caster do his thing but also damages the caster in some one, sometimes it really damages the caster's body, or sometimes the outcome is a different interpretation of what the caster intended and in this way bringing harm not only to it's caster...

see it like this: medicens are a type of drugs (well, they are drugs) and they sometimes do more than they need to, so basicly they are compared to black magic that isn't catastrophal (side effects), but you have drugs like ecstacy, which gives great pleasure to it's user but it damages the body, this is bad black magic

white magic and black magic aren't good or evil, they are 2 main categories, though most of them are where their alignments lay, black magic can be used for good purposes but they always come with a price of using it... whereas white magic is something that comes from within or from nature and things like this, you call upon it and ask for it to do what you wish, and it will help you if it deems you worthy
black magic will always help you, even if you are not trained, because it gains pleasure in seeing things get worse than they were before...

You may want to study the effects of black magic instead of the magic itself, that way you'll gain a balance, but black magic always decives the caster, always! but you can learn the nature of it, learn what it can do, but never learn to use it or learn the spells! they may not always seem dangerous but they always are and the side effects can have a lag of years too, but the side effects alway come, sometimes when you expect it, mostly right after casting and in some cases when you feel safe that there aren't any...
I don't know much about magic, but I lost someone through black magic so I studied it's nature, I no longer grieve for the loss of that friend because he was damn foolish to use it while knowing the dangers, do NOT make that mistake if you wish to learn more about magic...
if you want to learn the effects of a venomous liquid you don't go and drink it too don't you?

anyway, white magic is broad, keep to that, white magic is what it appears to be, black magic is not, it never is and never will be.
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


time and time i will say black and White magic is merely a matter of perspective for example if I curse the good Christian law abiding doctor who due to immense stress and lack of sleep performed badly at a surgery which could have saved the life of my son with a curse to maim and kill him it could be a white magic spell sent from the angels on high for retribution but would he not see it as the daemons of hell coming forth to steal his soul. Good and evil is merely a reflection of what you perceive as being able to benefit or harm you that is all. The debate on whether magic can be good or evil is completely unfounded because the world has no good evil paradox polarity. In this world there are no sure and undeniable things, people or actions which are good. Because if there were no one would choose to be evil now would they??? Unless you're insane and or go against your own morals few people rarely see themselves as evil, This world and all others are merely a great big grey ball we are judged by the opinions of the majority.
the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom

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