
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Another dream to be interpreted

Started by matthew321, June 08, 2010, 08:16:00 PM

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Alright I may be a record breaker for personal dreams that I would like interpreted. This happened last night and makes me think.

This was a dream about zombies and I had not done anything zombie related that day except write a game story that involves them. The game would actually start at my house fyi. Okay in my dream I was in my house and the zombie apocalypse was going on. I was alone and the rooms were well lit. I had my plans well figured out. Then I go downstairs into less well lit basement. I get previsions of some sort then go upstairs. Well when I look back down the stairs the door to my room was open and I saw figures moving down there. I knew this meant zombies. Then one saw me and started going up the stairs. Well I pushed him down with minimal effort. Then I quickly shut the door to the basement and barricade it. I barricaded it with two wooden stools. They were standing straight up and could be sat on. I have no idea why this worked but it did. Then my family is in the house and they are in the background.

They are really uninvolved with my issue of zombies in my basement. I was thinking about how my door was open and what the zombies could be doing to my stuff. Especially my computer for some reason. Well I remove my barricade, open the door and look down the stairs. There was nothing in sight. The light was at the bottom of the stairs and it was still bright. So I go down and see zombies as I am at the bottom. Well I avoid them with them almost biting me and then I work my way around to my room's entrance. Everything stops, the zombies stop chasing me and I am not afraid. Well I see two zombies in my room one was my friend (not real close to him but still hang out) and then his girl friend was with him.  They looked completely normal not like zombies at all but I could feel they were zombies. I knew it in my heart they were zombies.

Well there was a zombie right behind me but it did nothing just stood there and I ignored it. I ordered my friend's girl friend to undress for some reason and she did. Her boyfriend replied with a "yes master" (the plot twists, who has power now!) I believe she got fully naked but was kinda blurred out on some details. I remember having a thought thinking "my friend must be really pissed about this" since she was his girlfriend. Then I had the thought in my mind "I wonder if I could make her give me a... (we will call it a happy ending)" Well I felt wrong about that but she was approaching me and my pants were off... But I told her no and she receded. Then my pants come back on and the zombie behinds me starts acting. This was a female and oddly made me feel comfort. I contemplated her doing stuff in the back of my in as well... She did not speak at all only communicated with feelings. (this was my guardian and she does not approve of these thoughts at all...) but I push her out of the way and go back upstairs. I proceed with my father into the garage to get supplies. I do not know why we did but whatever. We were in there for a while then he disappears and I end up out side with a group of my friends. The ones who I have a zombie plan with. Well we are moving by foot on a road nearby and it was dark. Like a bunch of dark clouds in the sky but it was the middle of the day. Well while we were walking guess what? Zombies start crawling out of the ground. They are every where and we are narrowly avoiding them. I cannot remember the ending I believe this went into another dream that is complicated as well. Also when I woke up my dream catcher was gone and I remember putting it back up.

Does anyone have any symbolism to understand this with? Or any interpretations?
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Well i could try and look at the so called symbology and psychological meanings etc etc etc but its just a bunch of garbage really.
Especially as you are approaching the point of busting out of that limiting view into a much much wider playground.

Your energy body came online again as you were sleeping. The so called zombie was effectively a dream guide watching you seeing if you would surface through all the mental crap you were immersed in. You came very very close but started indulging in controlling others and sensualities.

You have to be careful here. You need more energy to bust out of the mental reflections that are still capturing you. If you dont then chances are you will get played by other things that have started to notice your energy body waking up.

Your dream guide really is being very patient and consistant in its behaviour.
Maybe if i tell you that you are special you will listen with more interest.


When you say that the zombie was effectively a dream guide are you meaning that the zombie was temporary construct of my brain to serve as a dream guide? Or are you saying the actual dream guide is real and the zombie is the temporary construct of that dream guide? (to represent herself)

I am unsure what you mean by "surface through all the mental crap". To what was I supposed to do that I seemingly failed at? Was is my desires? Or did I just get easily distracted and that is a lack of focus?

I do not need to hear I am special to have my interest captivated, I actually would find it insulting.

Thank you for your input, I am grateful.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


At this point try entertaining the idea that the dream guide is a real external intelligence. Just try it and see if it affects how your dreams develop from now on.

In the stages of development that you are experiencing now you are starting to percieve the external psychic reality all around you as you sleep. The difficulty is that until you have enough energy to rise through the imagery of the dream scenarios you will continue to percieve the external environment through the themes of your dream.

It is similar to seeing animal shapes in clouds, you see your own mindstream reflecting off something that is actaully more real than the story in your head. We turn awesome immense clouds into elephants and monkeys. Bear in mind that you are literally waking up inside your dream but still only seeing the dream that carried you to this point where your spiritual eyes are starting to open.

Your dream guide is likely to be a constant presence in your dreams from now on. It is also likely that you will anthropomorphise this thing into a variety of different forms for a while before it leads you to the door that will let you see the dreaming reality clearly.


I finally understand what you are saying. (Much better then before) But I still am having difficulty 'breaking through all the mental crap'. How am I supposed to do this? With willpower or discipline?

Is there any training I can give myself to make this easier? (easy might be a bad word for it, but make it more possible to accomplish at will)

What questions should I be asking?

I do know who the dream guide is she is my guardian but we only talk in dreams. This seems to be something I cannot do outside my dreams. Or not nearly as well. The times I talk to her are also vague and broken up. I remember few of the conversations.

When I wake up I feel really drained of all energy. But unable to sleep anymore. I wake up multiple times a night to drink water. (really bad dry mouth) This probably leads to the bad sleep. The point is that my dreams have to be really short and vague because of this. That makes this more difficult.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Breaking through will happen in its own time. I only mentioned this so you could get a perspective of what you are up against in your current dreaming.
Understanding your context is useful but breaking through is not really the aim just now. The aim now is building your dreaming attention.
Dreaming attention is like a muscle group that is rarely used, only now you realise you need this to grow.
To develop this it needs the proper exercise.

However  the dreaming attention is  a difficult thing to access directly. I am sure you see this already from your experiences with your guide during the waking hours. This  'other attention' is not easily accessed by willpower or mind. At the moment it comes and goes. It is not always easy to remember either. It is therefore a tricky thing to learn how to bring under your control. Especially when willpower and mind have no direct link to this aspect of you. Its quite a connundrum really.

So in order to learn how to activate this we need to work the things around it that are connected to it it some way.

So the best place to focus your efforts is in recording your dreams as soon as you have had them.
The aim now is to increase dream recall and create some long lasting habits that will help you in your development.
I know it sounds basic and unexciting but this is what to focus your effort on in order to get to the funkier stuff.

Its actually quite exciting for me even writing this stuff because i can see more and more clearly what we are trying to accomplish here and how this all works. I am actually having to use  my other attention in order to see this.

Re the tiredness, are you tired in the day too? Thirsty in the day too? How is your body temperature generally? Hot cold or clammy at any particular times of the day?

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