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Is flight possible?

Started by matthew321, June 08, 2010, 08:33:26 PM

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Well we have all seen it in amines, cartoons, T.V., movies, etc. There are people who can fly. I want to know if this is possible. I heard of a story I think it is in the bible of a disciple being challenged. The man challenging him starts to fly in the sky with no external assistance. Then the disciple prays to god to make this man fall and he does. I believe the man was named Salomon (may or may not be the same one who controlled demons) I do not remember the disciple.

Anyway this is one account of a man being able to fly. I have also heard of this in mythology but that was with external help. I am wondering about no external help. Just simply your body and your own effort.

Based on other abilities I have seen flight does not sound so impossible anymore.

So does anyone know where to start? The question is if it is possible then I am wondering because we all will, how do you do it? But I would settle for just seeing validation.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


I deem it possible if you are strong enough and have enough chakra, basicly what I would do is the same as telekenis, I would lift myself from the ground by emitting energy around me to push me up. I haven't succeeded yet, I'm still learning to control my energy, but think of it as a paper flying through the sky^^
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Considering weight and distance have no effect on the final result of telekinesis, it would be possible, yeah, as long as you can manage such telekinesis.
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


I think you might be on to something with the telekineses. You train your mind to do multiple things at once. So that you can fly (by using a percentage of a brain power) and use the other percent to think. So that you are not so focused on the flight that you could not enjoy it. Training yourself to multi task would make it applicable to be a usable skill.

Now how does one use telekineses to increase speed? How do you push something harder? Well perhaps I should start with training telekineses before I get this far.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


flight IS POSSIBLE. i know because i've done it many times at night when i was dreaming but awake at the same time. i had to find out the weird way though. for example, with one dream i was falling and when i opened my eyes, my whole body was 'bout 3 or 4 inches above my bed and then when i saw that i freaked out and fell on my bed. i mean in my dream it felt so real, and with my sense of touch (consciously), i didn't feel anything below me. but yes in my experiences my mind was clear and awake yet i was dreaming at the same time.

i'd advise u to COMPLETELY clear your mind and to imagine that you're weightless and off the ground with full mediation and focus.
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


I have so many dreams that deal with flight. I will always be outside near my house. I will assume I am awake and that this is reality (but it isn't). I figure out that I am able to fly by accident. But I am never able to control it or never do it very well in my dreams. I will jump and go on a little bit then fall. It is like my flight is guided. In other dreams I have to fall backward and focus to do it.

I wonder if these are pointing me in some direction. I have a certain way I interpret my dreams and I have to say it here. If it happens in my dreams it can't happen in reality. Such as x-ray vision or being god. But if I happen to not be able to control something in my dreams then it makes whatever it was more plausible.

My mind I think is telling me this is possible (I hope). I may record myself sleeping and see if I happen to do it subconsciously. But thanks for the input.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


Quote from: matthew321 on July 04, 2010, 04:39:12 PM
I have so many dreams that deal with flight. I will always be outside near my house. I will assume I am awake and that this is reality (but it isn't). I figure out that I am able to fly by accident. But I am never able to control it or never do it very well in my dreams. I will jump and go on a little bit then fall. It is like my flight is guided. In other dreams I have to fall backward and focus to do it.

well u're flying in your dreams a lot because u WANT TO SO MUCH. and u're thinking and trying different ways to fly. to me this seems like your desire to fly and how great it is. but i'd try setting up a camera and stuff to catch what happens when u're asleep dreamin :)
Rejected and abandoned by all, as i walk fear is marked by the eyes of all...


I don't entirely agree. I, too, have flying dreams. Have for years. But the more I think about it or imagine it or try to figure it out, the less often the dreams occur. And I've had an experience while wide awake and am still not sure what to make of it. It was a few years back and I was running around. I run onto a raised walkway and jump off of it. I hung in the air longer than I knew I should have. Even had time for it to cross my mind. Then I landed and did my best to re-create the event but never was able to.

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