
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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AA's Dream Journal

Started by Arcane Artifice, June 29, 2010, 11:03:07 PM

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Arcane Artifice

I figure since this is the place for Dreamer's and Dream-things, I'll go ahead and post my Dream Journal here so you all can take your own cracks at analysis. I'll begin the updates in the morning or afternoon hours when I wake. Expect the dreams to be in fragments because people like to wake me up prematurely.

Arcane Artifice

I can't remember my dream, this happens to be the result of sleeping in the waking hours of dawn. On another note, prior to falling asleep, I had a thought if you will, at least it appeared as a thought, that felt like a nightmare. In this thought/dream I was looking at my girlfriend, who was seemingly void of feeling, and at first it was just the both of us. As it progressed she began to look depressed, she said something, and I replied with "I love you". At this point my friend, who recently has fallen out of my lover's favor, appeared and said "I thought you loved me." I refuted this, to which a previous girlfriend appeared and said "You love me don't you?" I refuted this with reluctance because in the past I had feelings for her, I thought she was the perfect girl, and it turned out that wasn't the case. As this nightmare continued more women from my life, whom I've all befriended or knew at one point, had questioned as to why I hadn't loved them, or if I loved them now, and my girlfriend's expression changed to one of depression to one of hatred. I approached her trying to convince her that what we had was true, and she backed away. It was then the other women in my life began to smother me, grabbing at my body, trying to pull me back into them, and it was at this point i realized they were all naked. I struggled against them, yelling my lover's name, and I merely saw her face show something of disgust as she began to turn away. I yelled in a fit of anger as the women continued to smother me and it was then I realized I was also nude. As I was dragged back I had a moment of looking inside of myself and I saw the remnants of the dark energy I once had, I saw my old manifestation of rage, and I tapped into it. It consumed me the form hanging to fit my new state of mind. When my body was consumed and reformed I gave out an inhuman roar and forced the women off to which they all seemingly vanished. The form faded after that, and I was left standing nude in the room we were standing in. My lover was gone and I was alone, naked, cold, and distraught. It was immediately after this my closet pounded twice, the second pound being much louder, to which I merely asked whatever was in my closet to leave. The noise died and I fell asleep in a confused state. As a result my dreams after that were fragmented and I can't remember them well.

The weird part about all of this, is that my girlfriend sent me a text a few hours later saying she had a nightmare that I had cheated on her with her ex. At this point I was baffled but I held my tongue, she said the dream was like I was working with her Ex to attain revenge and that what I had felt for her, and what we had shared was for nothing.

So I'm curious now's the part where you analyze and help me figure out what happened and why the two dreams seemingly connect so well. I have a few ideas of my own, but I'm, more interested to hear what you all have to say.

Arcane Artifice

My dream today took place in an Arabian styled setting. It was vast and oddly empty, with only myself and a few other people around. With this being said it seemed as if I was playing a game of hide and seek (in a manner of speaking). I found myself in a store with a few swords and I drew a short sword admiring it, I ran outside for some reason and was confronted by a large black temple. It was decorated in an Egyptian-Gothic fashion. Spikes erecting themselves from the sides, and a large red circular sphere near the middle of the temple. The temple I suppose was a living being, for when I looked at it I heard a deep and powerful voice say something. At this moment two figures appeared, covered in a black mass, with burning red eyes. The figures looked like Predators (this is probably due to the Predators trailers I've been watching), my vision was blurred whenever I was near them and it seemed as if I was being engulfed by static. They charged me and we became engaged in combat, I noticed that I was moving at a high speed, matching the Predators speed (I'm gonna just call them that), and matching their sword strikes. I managed to dispose of the two Predators and thats when the static died away. I looked at the temple again, and It yelled at me, it's voice saying something along the lines of "You can't escape" I felt a shift in my body and the static came back. I then noticed that I myself had become one of the Predators and more appeared. I had to fight again, these dark creatures attacking me while I retaliated, and assaulted them with equal determination. I managed to survive and claim victory, it was then i met a group of four others. I was drafted into this group, supposedly some form of rebellion, and we moved through ,the now night time, streets and we encountered a princess (or a queen) it was then the dream came to an end, with myself in arabian clothing holding a longsword with four other men, in the bedchamber of a princess being assigned some mission.   


Static huh?

I like the name 'predators' though.

Arcane Artifice

Yeah the static part really disoriented me, it was hard to focus on the movements and battle. When I awoke I thought it was something along a temptation for the "powers" I once had, but I couldn't make a connection. Another thought was that it was a new type of dream-creature, a literal Predator in the dream world. Another thought was that it had relation to the dark powers and it was more of a proving ground, basically another temptation in the form a test for supremacy. I can't be sure exactly, but I'll keep digging into it.

Arcane Artifice

By far my favorite dream of all time.
The dream usually starts differently in every aspect, this time it started with my girlfriend and myself in a jeep. She was driving and I was the passenger, we were against opposing traffic on a dirt road, and she accidentally hit the front of someone else's jeep. That jeep along with another turned around and began to pursue us, we outran them, and I flicked them off feeling triumphant. We stopped at a small little divot in the road, a small parking space, and a water fountain was all that waited there. I began to sip at the water when another vehicle stopped further away, I pretended not to notice, unaware that I had had this dream before. Two being emerged from the vehicle, trying to shape themselves into human forms. Their true forms, or at least the way I saw them, was reminiscent of a translucent body illuminated with a certain coloration , these were blue, covered with designs that made them look like computer programs almost. The lines that decorated their bodies were much brighter than the rest of their bodies, and it almost seemed as if I was staring at shadows with colored lines. At the center of their face, rested a singular hollow circle, which I presumed was the eye. I'm not sure why these beings came after me, but they tried to take me away, going so far as to try to place a bag over my head. Somehow, either through subconscious memory or through some strange instance in the dream, I was able to place my hand directly onto the 'eye" and it felt as if part of me was leaving my arm and surging into the creature. It spasmed, and it's coloration began to shift, blue lines turned to yellow , possibly for infected, and it remained in a state of resistance to my "virus" so to speak. The other attempted to secure me again and for a second I almost thought it was deploying the same magnetic field that Dream Demons use to hold targets in place. Either way the being proved to be too much for me to handle, I was powerless in the dream. At that moment the "corrupted" being began to aid me, he pulled me away and lit a path down the road that would lead to my salvation. He told me to "Go, keep pushing, go forward." the dream at this point became a game of chance. The path had multiple squares on it, a variation of the other game I played before, each square had numbers and letters on it, and the goal was to accumulate a higher score by stepping on the higher numbers. The Helper continued to tell me to keep pushing myself, as the dream began to slow down my movement speed, creating the sensation of impending doom. I kept running and stepping on high numbers as the world I was in began to shift around me, soon the modern city I was in began to shift as if I were entering another realm in the dream world, the city became something of a futuristic tokyo, with round pure white buildings and colorful vivid signs. I kept running as the path shifted from yellow to brown, listening to the Helper continue to motivate me. As I reached the end of the path it was blocked by numerous white boxes, and in a leap I dove through, and found myself laughing. I was happy and the Helper was with me saying "I liked that dive". I had entered a room of some sort, a sanctum if you will. In my laughter I felt so relaxed, so at ease, the sense of dread and possible defeat gone, and I was happy. I remember looking at the yellow Helper one last time before waking up smiling feeling like I was going to cry. It was a good feeling and it is a dream that I will always cherish for that feeling.

I have deduced that if I were to divide the dream by the three territories I entered the realm of Good Dreams from the neutral zone. I have not determined a name or origin for the two beings, but for now we'll call them "Seekers".

This makes three creatures: Demons, Predators, and Seekers

Arcane Artifice

Chasing Wind or The Mystery of Chrissy Hurss

This particular dream was an interesting one at best. So seeing as I haven't updated the thing in at least 120 days, I'll post this dream, and hope for results.
The sequence started with myself driving through a randomly generated town, it was about 4pm(winter) judging by the height of the sun and the coloration of the landscape. The radio was playing in the car and a man by the name of James (last name unavailable) was speaking. He was a Christian author, and songwriter, and was explaining the basis behind his latest song "Chasing Wind". This song was about a woman named Chrissy Hurss, a woman who he had struggled for years to please, and hopefully gain her love. As it turns out not much else was revealed, but my dream self felt intrigued, and proceeded to continue to listen while I awoke.

......Not five minutes later.....
I had returned to the sequence and found myself attending a seminar by, none other than, Mr.James. The man was discussing most of the things he had discussed on his broadcast but was also holding a regular church service. I had noticed many familiar faces arriving, a few close friends, and some strangers. At the end of his seminar, I was never able to see his face, I was left alone with a few close friends, and I noticed that in the sky were strange spheres. They were pink in coloration and far too wide to be actual stars, but considering cosmic phenomenon wasn't rare in my dreams I had dismissed it. I had approached one of the dream constructs, began to explain who "Chrissy Hurss" was, and asked him to find out more. It was at this moment I realized something; information from the previous dream had carried over. I had realized I was self aware and in a proud tone I exclaimed to the construct that I was going to fly. As I launched into the sky, joy overwhelming me, I passed the tree line, and sitting directly over the road, not but a few feet away, was one of the stars. I stared in wonder at the thing, taking in the white center and pinkish radiance that it gave off. It was then that a sudden striking fear gripped me, unexplained, I was confused, and upon feeling that fear my flight deactivated. I feel to the ground landing on both feet, with a sense of panic overtaking me, and so I began to act. I had gathered the four constructs and had told them to follow me. It was then I noticed how quickly daylight was fading as a pure darkness began to overtake the immediate area. I turned back and noticed how the only figure with light, was that star, idly hovering above the road. I acted quickly creating luminescence out of the very dream matter that the constructs were composed of and tied them together with a thin thread of their own essence. I had successfully generated a light source and upon doing so I had lost two of the constructs to an invisible force. I was now left with two constructs, who had taken the forms of my girlfriend, and her best friend. Guiding them became difficult as the "friend" construct became immobile and stood fixated upon a brick wall. I left running through a sudden maze of unnaturally high wooden fences. I recall the loud crunch of leaves underfoot and it dawned on me that whatever was stalking us in the darkness was using that noise to track us. So cautiously I stepped through patches of dead leaves and green grass, to find myself on a road. I was in a suburban neighborhood, with girlfriend in hand, something stalking us, and full self-awareness. I was desperately trying to find a place to set up a Sanctum shell* and found it increasingly difficult to find a suitable location. For an unexplained reason my girlfriend had vanished, leaving me alone, and my hand was suddenly yanked by one of the constructs that had vanished earlier. She guided me through the maze and led me to a tall building, I used my awareness to jump to the roof, set up the shell, and summoned the two previous constructs inside the shell. I noticed dawn was encroaching on the darkness, and with a sudden resolve, I opted to venture into the fading darkness to fight against whatever had been hunting us. Moving at superhuman speeds, I traversed the neighborhood streets hunting, until I was clotheslined by something unseen. I caught myself mid flip and landed to spot my assailant. It was none other than Freddy Kreuger, however this was not the same Freddy from the films. No this was a seemingly rabid creature, with a singular purpose, and no emotion other than violence. I assumed it to be a dream demon attempting to strike fear into me, but as my abilities began to manifest, I struck. I ended up in a grapple with the demon, it broke my hold, and slashed me across my stomach. I had fallen to the ground feeling the dream world fading as my construct was dying. Like a broken video, the world began to break into bits of blurred static as the demon came closer eventually being the only thing visible. I awoke then not sure if my construct had survived or if it had fallen to the demon. I would later attempt to daydream the rest of the skirmish, however I do not consider the outcome of daydreams to be canon.  

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