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Who Used A Ouija Board Before Paranormal Activity

Started by RunningElk, June 30, 2010, 06:37:11 PM

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Did You Use An Ouija Board ........ Paranormal Activity

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Whats Paranormal Activity?
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Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: July 05, 2010, 06:37:11 PM


At School Kids Have Been Messing With Ouija Just Because A Cheap Realistic Movie Had Something From Real Life In It

People My Age Dunno What There Doing Its So Lame :x
'Every man has his price'
- Sir Robert Walpole
'There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.'
- Salvador Dali


I used a ouija board when I was 13 years old. After that weird stuff started happening to me. Then when I was 18 I thought it would be fun to make my own ouija board and mess around with it. How wrong I was. I will never mess with one ever again. Kids today really are stupid. I know they don't believe it is real but it's not a good thing to mess around with them.
Suicide girl takes her last breath, consumed by darkness and by death. And so it is the tragic end, of the wicked girl with the twisted grin.


I can say I have never used an Ouija board in my life. (I also have never been able to spell it correctly) I have never seen one in person either. I don't know if this is rare to not have any contact with these toys at all. But I have friends who have at least seen one in person. A few who own one as well.

Anyway I was not inspired to use one before or after paranormal activity.  I also did not like the movie. It had only two surprising parts to me. Only one of those startled me. It was predictable and not very entertaining. I have heard so many people rant on about this movie as well. But none of them had said this made them want to get an Ouija board. This was actually a deterrent from getting one.

People do not know what they are doing. I will warn them, then if they ignore me they will learn. The hard lessons are the ones that are not forgotten easily.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


i find Ouija boards annoying i mean it can contact the dead and spirits but i gave in when i found out on amazon that it is also mass produced by hasbro and other friendly neighbourhood toy makers not to forget the fake psychic down the road every sunday markets plastic and the mainstream Ouija has become has well made me reconsider if this is a scam i used one it didn't work which means a couple of things i am not mentally ill or i don't have enough energy for a spirit to come or simply theres no such thing as other life but i can rule out all 3 things so who can answer the puzzle
'Every man has his price'
- Sir Robert Walpole
'There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.'
- Salvador Dali


Oujia boards that are store bought havn't had the rights or rituals done to them. They are harmlessely sold to kids because in a group of kids they all want it to move so bad the tiny strain of a group of kids fingers makes it move even though they don't think they are pushing it. I made Oujia boards for a few friends and used every blessing from every occult or spiritual group I could find. Blessed with 5 different kinds of holy water, holy oil, blood and about 7 ritual incantations. That way if it doesn't work no one can blame my craftsmanship. Lol. I used them for years.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope.

I Love Wolves

I have never used one in my life (although i am a little curious to try one) but some of my family members have tried them.

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