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Something was in bed with me

Started by LadyLycanthrope, July 02, 2010, 07:23:22 PM

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Okay so first let me explain the situation. My house is definitely haunted and I have known this from the first night I have lived here. Weird things happen all the time that cannot be explained (my parents choose to ignore everything that happens because they are skeptics when it comes to the paranormal).  A lot of the activity occurs in my room.  This has to be one of the scariest moments of my life though.  It was dark, the tv was on and I was trying to sleep.  I usually sleep facing the wall because if I don't I stare into the darkness and feel like something is watching me and with my experiences with other paranormal beings (shadow people) I don't want to know if something really is watching me at night. Like I was saying I was trying to sleep. I closed my eyes and started getting annoyed because I couldn't sleep when I felt something sit in my bed with me.  It was as if someone had sat down right at the edge of my bed and I ran to turn the lights on and nothing was there. Thinking it was my imagination I turned the lights off and crawled back into bed.  About 10 minutes later I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I was extremely cold.  I could feel breathing on my neck! I was so afraid that someone had broken into our house and was hiding in my room. It didn't cross my mind that it was a ghost at the time. I held my breathe and the being tightened its grip on me. I swear I could feel someone's hot breathe on my neck. I decided I was going to try and fight whoever was holding onto me and try to make a run for my door so I could get out of the basement. I struggled to move but I was just too terrified. Finally I got up and the lights turned on and I turned to see who was in my bed (stupid move I know) and surprise nobody else was in my bed. I searched my room for possible intruders and the whole basement too but nothing.  I haven't had that experience since then but other weird stuff has happened. Whatever ghosts are residing in my house really do like to harass me.
Suicide girl takes her last breath, consumed by darkness and by death. And so it is the tragic end, of the wicked girl with the twisted grin.


 :-o Wow! That's pretty freaky...
You said "...and try to make a run for my door so I could get out of the basement...". So, I take it the basement is your bedroom? Has anything bad ever happened there (You know, murder, violence, etc...the usual...)? If so, maybe that's why so much freakyness happens around you?

*Shrugs* I dunno, it's just a hunch...I'm no expert!  :laugh: I wish you the best, and that you don't have any more bed-intruders!
I know nothing, because I know too much, and understand not nearly enough and never will.


Yes. My grandfather died down here and I think someone was murdered here a while back.
Suicide girl takes her last breath, consumed by darkness and by death. And so it is the tragic end, of the wicked girl with the twisted grin.


You could be like me and have a spirit guide who has no belief of personal space... though, I normally invite him to lay with me in bed cause I'm depressed and need hugs.

That aside: freaky for sure.


You have a couple possibilities. One, that your grandmother is in the house & is the source of the activity & the hug. Two, that it's your grandmother in addition to others. Three, that it isn't your grandmother at all. First I'd suggest looking into the history of the property not just the house & see who else, if anyone, could be haunting the house. Couple of questions, is the activity restricted to the basement or does it happen all over. What kind of activity is it? Aside from frightened, do the occurances bring on any other feelings? Answer these & you may be able to get a better understanding as to the nature/identity of the spirit. The hug may have been your grandmother telling you she was there & you could sleep safely.


It does sound like your grandmother or someone needing to hug. Have you kept a voice recorder on near your bed and asked questions? The person might give you their name, especially grandma.


Quote from: bhambrice on October 23, 2010, 04:54:59 PM
It does sound like your grandmother or someone needing to hug. Have you kept a voice recorder on near your bed and asked questions? The person might give you their name, especially grandma.

I haven't tried that, that's a good idea.
Suicide girl takes her last breath, consumed by darkness and by death. And so it is the tragic end, of the wicked girl with the twisted grin.


Well, let's not go screaming for an exorcist just yet.

QuoteOkay so first let me explain the situation. My house is definitely haunted and I have known this from the first night I have lived here. Weird things happen all the time that cannot be explained (my parents choose to ignore everything that happens because they are skeptics when it comes to the paranormal).  A lot of the activity occurs in my room.  This has to be one of the scariest moments of my life though. 

Weird things happen in older houses all the time. The last time I heard "cannon be explained" it turned out to be that the house was just shifting.

QuoteIt was dark, the tv was on and I was trying to sleep. 

The TV was on? There's a bigg'ins. Was the volume up? Were you watching a scary movie? Scary movies tend to make people freak out for a few hours.

I usually sleep facing the wall because if I don't I stare into the darkness and feel like something is watching me and with my experiences with other paranormal beings (shadow people) I don't want to know if something really is watching me at night. Like I was saying I was trying to sleep. I closed my eyes and started getting annoyed because I couldn't sleep when I felt something sit in my bed with me.  It was as if someone had sat down right at the edge of my bed and I ran to turn the lights on and nothing was there. Thinking it was my imagination I turned the lights off and crawled back into bed.
About 10 minutes later I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I was extremely cold.  I could feel breathing on my neck! I was so afraid that someone had broken into our house and was hiding in my room. It didn't cross my mind that it was a ghost at the time. I held my breathe and the being tightened its grip on me. I swear I could feel someone's hot breathe on my neck. I decided I was going to try and fight whoever was holding onto me and try to make a run for my door so I could get out of the basement. I struggled to move but I was just too terrified. Finally I got up and the lights turned on and I turned to see who was in my bed (stupid move I know) and surprise nobody else was in my bed. I searched my room for possible intruders and the whole basement too but nothing.  I haven't had that experience since then but other weird stuff has happened. Whatever ghosts are residing in my house really do like to harass me.

Was a fan on? A.C? Body/mind playing tricks on you? Not calling you a liar,  but If it happened to me, I'd try to prove it beyond any reasonable doubt before I start calling my pastor at 12:00 a.m.

If you think someone was murdered in the house... that's also something you should look into.

Hopefully you can get this problem resolved. I'm sorry if I'm just wasting time.
X(A+B) = (AX) + (AB). Politicize that.


Quote from: TheCopperDragon on November 08, 2010, 05:49:34 PM
Well, let's not go screaming for an exorcist just yet.

QuoteOkay so first let me explain the situation. My house is definitely haunted and I have known this from the first night I have lived here. Weird things happen all the time that cannot be explained (my parents choose to ignore everything that happens because they are skeptics when it comes to the paranormal).  A lot of the activity occurs in my room.  This has to be one of the scariest moments of my life though. 

Weird things happen in older houses all the time. The last time I heard "cannon be explained" it turned out to be that the house was just shifting.

QuoteIt was dark, the tv was on and I was trying to sleep. 

The TV was on? There's a bigg'ins. Was the volume up? Were you watching a scary movie? Scary movies tend to make people freak out for a few hours.

I usually sleep facing the wall because if I don't I stare into the darkness and feel like something is watching me and with my experiences with other paranormal beings (shadow people) I don't want to know if something really is watching me at night. Like I was saying I was trying to sleep. I closed my eyes and started getting annoyed because I couldn't sleep when I felt something sit in my bed with me.  It was as if someone had sat down right at the edge of my bed and I ran to turn the lights on and nothing was there. Thinking it was my imagination I turned the lights off and crawled back into bed.
About 10 minutes later I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I was extremely cold.  I could feel breathing on my neck! I was so afraid that someone had broken into our house and was hiding in my room. It didn't cross my mind that it was a ghost at the time. I held my breathe and the being tightened its grip on me. I swear I could feel someone's hot breathe on my neck. I decided I was going to try and fight whoever was holding onto me and try to make a run for my door so I could get out of the basement. I struggled to move but I was just too terrified. Finally I got up and the lights turned on and I turned to see who was in my bed (stupid move I know) and surprise nobody else was in my bed. I searched my room for possible intruders and the whole basement too but nothing.  I haven't had that experience since then but other weird stuff has happened. Whatever ghosts are residing in my house really do like to harass me.

Was a fan on? A.C? Body/mind playing tricks on you? Not calling you a liar,  but If it happened to me, I'd try to prove it beyond any reasonable doubt before I start calling my pastor at 12:00 a.m.

If you think someone was murdered in the house... that's also something you should look into.

Hopefully you can get this problem resolved. I'm sorry if I'm just wasting time.

My TV was playing Family Guy at the time, I remember that much. I always turn it on Family Guy then turn down the volume when I'm trying to sleep.

I didn't have the AC on, there's no AC in my room, I'm in the basement and it's normally pretty cool down there.

I've tried looking into seeing who had my house before or who occupied this space before but I can't seem to find anything. Any info on how to find that out would be greatly appreciated.
Suicide girl takes her last breath, consumed by darkness and by death. And so it is the tragic end, of the wicked girl with the twisted grin.


If you live in the U.S. you can find most of the info you nead to get started at the local court house. After that, see if any of the names of the people who had something to do with the place have showed up in the newspaper, the local librarian can help with that.  Good luck, let us know what you find.


Quote from: LadyLycanthrope on October 11, 2010, 08:58:37 PM
Yes. My grandfather died down here and I think someone was murdered here a while back.

I think that gives an answer. Id go with granny giving u comfort, maybe u going through a sad period of ur life

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