
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
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levels of psychic reality

Started by oldbill4823, July 15, 2010, 12:13:43 PM

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I am in a crabby mood. So i will see how many people i can piss off with this.

There are clear levels of psychic awareness. Degrees of reality to it.

The first level starts with a seed being born in that realm and becoming aware. At this point our psychic senses are at their most infantile and undeveloped. This we can experience as sensing phantom energy, sensing auras, remembering dreams etc. It is the seed from which our psychic senses develop and grow.

Later we start to percieve an external order of reality through our psychic senses that is archetypal, metaphoric allegorical. Take lucid dreaming, meditation or pathworking for example. This is the psychic reality all around us filtered at a purely mental level. It is like having eyes and ears but not yet having the body to act.
At this point we start to encounter other beings in dreams and in our thoughts. We often take the story that we witness to be gospel truth but this is a mistake because....

Later we get to real energy generating order of reality. Things like exteriorlisation of our energy body in the real world, witnessing real events without distortion falls into this category.  Seeing the energetic structure of things reveals wether an item is phantom projection or of a real energy generating order of reality. (seeing auras is definately not in this level) Seeing the energetic structure of things is also a factor that becomes available to us at this level

With this framework of understanding it is easier to deal with psychic and unusual experiences. Just my opinion of course, after a frustrating day at work.


the wind that chills the night, the fire's golden light
the oceans call to you, the earthen fated tune,
I am the ivy binding tight i hold the spells all through the night, i am
nightshade's fated swoon of deaths kiss and witches broom


I wonder who this was supposed to piss off. seems like a cool list to me.  :|
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


How's this supposed to piss people off? It seems very well conjugated as always, and I think everyone is psychic to some extent. So isn't the first stage just normal stuff?
New Signature


O.B. I don't think it's going to tick people off like you hoped. It's actually really well thought out.

I'm not sure how hard you were typing when you wrote this, but for some reason when I read it I hear keys being pounded, and I wasn't typing, so either you were really frustrated, or I'm hearing things :) and if it's the latter then I knew it would happen sometime.
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


Yes the first stage is normal, as is the second third and fourth.
Its just that culture has determined that such things are not normal. Seeing auras is a perfectly natural phenomena yet there have been times when you would have been burned at the stake for talking about it. Either that or beheaded and stoned for being a false prophet.

Travelling in dreams is also perfectly normal. As is seeing the future. Also seeing around corners or scouting out ahead beyond our physical body are all normal.
Its just that we have been taught that these things are impossible and our minds foccussed elsewhere so we have denied the development of these things that are in fact our natural inheritance.

You dont need to imagine you are a vampire or werewolf to do this stuff. Those are just examples of the bizzare lengths we feel we need to go to nowadays in order to claim some of of natural birthrights.

The evoultion of mankind has steered itself towards the exploration of technology and science over the last several hundred years. This has had both rewards and costs. One such cost has been the errosion of mans awareness of spiritual/psychic levels.  Rationality of the physical world has been a huge prize that has been claimed, now we need to apply it to others areas of our existance, outside engineering electrics gravity and chemistry. Humanity really is still just in its infancy exploring the medium we are living in.


Phantom sensations
the first level of psychic reality starts with what i shall term phantom sensations. 

Typically this is the ability to feel what we call energy between our hands. It is the beginning of our awareness of the immaterial world.
An example of phantom energy is
feeling disturbances in the area around us,
listening to a disembodied voice in our head, 
sensations of feeling we are stronger faster or like various animals etc.

It is important that we treat such experiences as being merely phantom sensations. It is foolish to treat these sensations as absolute reality at this point.
A man who has sensations he is a wolf is merely a man with phantom wolf sensations. It does not mean he is either a wolf, a werewolf, or was a wolf in a previous life.
They are just phantom sensations that he experienced.
Treating our experiences in this way we can avoid future confusions that will actually serve to block any intended development.


CM if you have something to say about phantom projections or the way i classify such experiences then go ahead.

Anything else please dont bother.


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