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Started by matthew321, July 21, 2010, 08:46:03 PM

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Barek Halfhand

Quote from: Moloch on August 19, 2010, 06:49:33 PM

Barek - Why you wandered out of your usual haunt is beyond me. However, I do appreciate your attempt at lending a hand. As for your question regarding reading all of a particular thread's posts... that is simple Forum etiquette wherever you go. It's also been implicated in the prevention of hoof and mouth disease. You should try it.

Please elucidate me on why it is "beyond you" ... You really do need to refine your people skills, but I digress ....

Again, all you did was said to have sent him a PM it widely recognized as "Forum etiquette" that this declaration dictates that all subsequent comments beyond that would be deemed as inappropriate? ... well I must really be the uncultured rube  :roll:

But since you have elected to proceed with this conversation, I notice you have yet to reply to the comments I made concerning your erroneous contention that EMF causes hallucinations/false perceptions of paranormal experiences etc....perhaps you should dedicate more time to research as opposed to composing such devastating witticisms (hoof and mouth disease) and citing fallacious forum etiquette fax pas (just a suggestion) ...

you should try not to come across as so confrontational and this is where those people skills come into play,  :wink: but I digress  ...

was it you that supplied him with this link?

The majority of provocation trials  to date have found that self-described sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to distinguish between exposure to real and sham electromagnetic fields, and it is not recognized as a medical condition by the medical or scientific community .

*Matt don't lock the thread on my account , I shan't trouble you or this section with any more of my apparent inanities (unless of course Mr Mooloch wishes to address the the EMF issues, but I doubt it )

(Cassiel let me know if you can't find the photo)

The Notorious Mr Halfhand


Quote from: Moloch on August 19, 2010, 06:49:33 PM
Cassiel - I call it as it is, not necessarily how others see it. Size does not mean a thing when it comes to a person's mentality. Though, for the record, you may want to take a look at my pictures in the Gallery before you start telling me about how big another member is.

Barek - Why you wandered out of your usual haunt is beyond me. However, I do appreciate your attempt at lending a hand. As for your question regarding reading all of a particular thread's posts... that is simple Forum etiquette wherever you go. It's also been implicated in the prevention of hoof and mouth disease. You should try it.

Matthew - If you believe that you've gotten all the mileage from this thread that you can, I suggest that you lock it. This way you can reopen it as you see fit without having to go to a Moderator.
Well mr moloch seems we may have two different views of what "big" actually means, so I will explain what I mean first.  I am referring the very sculpted defined body of a man who has been pushing iron for 25 years and  not only towers over me in height (a perfect fit for me to feel safe in btw...) but does not have an ounce of fat folding over anywhere... but I will be glad to take a look in the gallery to see what you mean by your definition of "Big" can you give me a link to what your speaking of?  :-)


  Going to go ahead and lock this as it seems what needed to be said has been said.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

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