
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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The Incan accounts of the dinosaurs

Started by ImmortalKain, June 06, 2008, 08:05:43 AM

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This actually does deal with dinosaurs if you keep reading on it, thats why I posted it here. Also this reinforces what I have always said about looking to the peoples of the past for answers to many things because they were not supressed and manipulated by powerful governments or corrupted media (well, not the really old ones anyway  :wink: ) The fact that these ancient cultures knew of dinosaurs and saw living ones thousands of years ago is astonishing especially since the modern world didn't know of them till around 175 years ago...hmm.......Anywho here is the link I promised.
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Than the taste
Of rejection


 I've always said that. As unlikely as it sounds, we're supposed to have the higher intellect here. So why couldn't humans find a way to live wih the dinosaurs? ....... but..... and here's where how I was raised comes into play......... any thoughts on their current extinction (for the most part)?? How.. when... why?
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Glad you brought that up. The climate of the earth has been changing steadily over the years as we know but it has been shifting for a very long time, not just some recent occurence. This shift has slowly made it harder for the dinosaurs to maintain high enough numbers to survive against the most destructive force in the world: mankind. We can't honestly think ancient man would tolerate massive animals ruling over them. They would destroy any one of them they came across. Look at how many species, who were once in the tens of thousands in number, were wiped out by mankind within a century, never again to be seen on this world. Hmm...see a pattern here? Was there a catastrophic meteor crash in the ancient past? Probally. There has been too many signs for there not to have been one. Did it completely wipe out the dinosaurs? Doubt it. All creatures have the ability to adapt and overcome, and were it not for the presence of man, they might have been able to ride that one out. And yes there a re still a few left scattered here and there but I suspect in a last vain attempt at survival they have drastically reduced in size to avoid detection by humans. I suspect that the rise of the first civilizations coupled with the rise in larger mammals and a drop in the earths temperature reduced their number to almost nonexistent levels. And it makes sense that the ones most commonly seen are plant eaters since they could survive undetected easier than a meat eater who had to roam and hunt for its food.
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The K-T Event was more than enough to wipe out the majority of life on earth.
The only reason birds, small reptiles, mammals, and sea-living critters didn't die out is because they didn't rely on the strict "prey eats plants, predator eats prey, predator dies and feeds plants" cycle. The smoke from the asteroid that caused the extinction killed many plants, disrupting that whole cycle.
Only those dinosaurs or giant aerial and oceanic reptiles that were in distant, remote locations could have survived, and even those would have most likely been driven to extinciton because of the lack of genetic diversity, climate changes, and the intrusion of the rapidly-evolving mammals and birds.
Any "dinosaur" that still lives today would have to do so in a place that not only could it be safe from that event, but safely breed and evolve for the last several million years. It is no longer a dinosaur, but a new breed of creature descended from such a thing.

And humans, at least on a mass scale, have never, ever, lived amongst dinosaurs. The first little waddling apes that  would become us in millions of years lived several millions years after the death of the dinosaurs.

Seeing as how most things seen during a drug high, generally natural substances such as peyote, yopo, mushrooms, and ayahuasca, are related to genetic racial memory, it isn't much of a stretch to think that visions of giant reptilian beasts originate from the same place.


Very interesting ideas. Exactly as is taught in the corrupted school systems these days  :lol: But everyone is entitled to their opinions, I just want to elaborate on one thing you said about the drug induced memories. If we never co-habitated with dinosaurs, then there should be no memory of them, genetic or otherwise. And yet the Incans only a matter of 5000 years ago, were able to make extremely accurate and detailed drawings about creatrures supposedly extinct millions of years before their time. I do agree in the idea of an ancestral memory activated by substances, having experienced this myself, but your ancestors would have had to actually experienced it in order to imprint it on the DNA. And I don't care what you say, little rat creatures did not have the capacity to do such a thing and carry it on in extreme detail. I'm not saying all of them survived in large numbers, but we definitely did walk with them at some point.
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


Quote from: ImmortalKain on August 19, 2008, 12:58:02 AM
Very interesting ideas. Exactly as is taught in the corrupted school systems these days  :lol:
I'm happy to see you amuse yourself.

Quote from: ImmortalKain on August 19, 2008, 12:58:02 AM
But everyone is entitled to their opinions, I just want to elaborate on one thing you said about the drug induced memories. If we never co-habitated with dinosaurs, then there should be no memory of them, genetic or otherwise. And yet the Incans only a matter of 5000 years ago, were able to make extremely accurate and detailed drawings about creatrures supposedly extinct millions of years before their time.
And I suppose you believe that the prophet Ezekiel really saw 4-headed angels riding wheels that spun in every direction at once, and the Vikings really saw giant warships made of the teeth and fingernails of fallen warriors? Your logic is faulty. 

Quote from: ImmortalKain on August 19, 2008, 12:58:02 AM
I do agree in the idea of an ancestral memory activated by substances, having experienced this myself, but your ancestors would have had to actually experienced it in order to imprint it on the DNA. And I don't care what you say, little rat creatures did not have the capacity to do such a thing and carry it on in extreme detail. I'm not saying all of them survived in large numbers, but we definitely did walk with them at some point.
If jellyfish, one of the oldest families of lifeforms on the planet, can be successful predators without the usage of a brain, then rodents could certainly have imprinted certain shapes into their minds.
I do agree with you that humans walked with large creatures of dinosaurian descent at one point in time, but those things weren't dinosaurs. In those millions of millions of years between the K-T Event and any point in time where a human or human ancestor encountered a dinosaur-descendant, evolution was happening. And it would have had to have resulted in something completely removed from the original state.
Also, we may not have encountered dinosaurs, but genetically modern human beings have encountered giant reptiles. The Aboriginal people of Australia encountered enormous monitor lizards, and several species of giant snake and crocodile that are extinct now would have lived alongside and most likely preyed on humans/hominids.


Yes I actually do believe alot of those things so  :-P I like to think outside the box and not believe every bit of hogwash man tells me to believe. Don't get me wrong, bandersnach I do value your beliefs and I'm not trying to discredit you or anything so arrogant as that, just stating my own thats all  :-D And  yes I donm't have any proof of these things, maybe never will, but I like to rely alot on faith, so thatsd good enough for me. Besides, its more exciting that the textbook answer  :wink:
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


QuoteIn those millions of millions of years between the K-T Event and any point in time where a human or human ancestor encountered a dinosaur-descendant, evolution was happening. And it would have had to have resulted in something completely removed from the original state.
Actually, look at sharks, my info isn't the best, but people keep saying that they hadn't had to evolve for an extremely long time. About the only one who had to was the hammerhead, & that one is still very old. They even say some six gilled sharks are still identical to their ancestors who swam with dinosaurs.

Please correct me if I am wrong. :-P


no you're right. Other than no longer being 50+ feet long, they are mostly unchanged. So I guess humans could have been with smaller versions of the dinosaurs. And if you look at the carvings you can see them riding them like horses, so they would have to be smaller in order to make that feasible
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


Quote from: ImmortalKain on June 23, 2008, 01:20:07 AM
I also cannot believe in "ancestral memory" where the little rat-creatures scurrying under the dinosaur's feet passed down the detailed and accurate memory of dinosaurs to our ancestors.....bull@#*t At the most they might produce some warped description of giant animals, but not detailed descriptions, no way. People had to have walked with dinosaurs, if only briefly, before they died out

did'nt latathia say she came at the time of dinosaurs
dauði er meta of hátt


Quote from: Petling on August 19, 2008, 08:24:33 AM
QuoteIn those millions of millions of years between the K-T Event and any point in time where a human or human ancestor encountered a dinosaur-descendant, evolution was happening. And it would have had to have resulted in something completely removed from the original state.
Actually, look at sharks, my info isn't the best, but people keep saying that they hadn't had to evolve for an extremely long time. About the only one who had to was the hammerhead, & that one is still very old. They even say some six gilled sharks are still identical to their ancestors who swam with dinosaurs.

Please correct me if I am wrong. :-P

Yes, but the shark is an apex predator. It has no need to evolve.
Climate change and newly evolved species encroaching on the territory of the "dinosaur" would make it need to evolve or die fast.


 First of all.. (Pardon my ignorance or blow me)... What's the K-T Event?

And I can't say that I believe in evolution of humans from apes to what we are now. Personal belief on that... it's fuk'n bullshyt. If we descinded from apes... why aren't women popping out ape babies? Yeah.. I know.. there are some furry bastards out there, but that doesn't mean anything. If we really came from apes, there would still be traces of that.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Quote from: Kadesh on August 19, 2008, 02:35:20 PM
First of all.. (Pardon my ignorance or blow me)... What's the K-T Event?

And I can't say that I believe in evolution of humans from apes to what we are now. Personal belief on that... it's fuk'n bullshyt. If we descinded from apes... why aren't women popping out ape babies? Yeah.. I know.. there are some furry bastards out there, but that doesn't mean anything. If we really came from apes, there would still be traces of that.

The K-T Event was an asteroid the size of Mexico being swung out of it's orbit and flying toward Earth. Not a meteor. A FREAKIN' ASTEROID.

The evolution from "apes" into humans has been proven with transitionary fossils many times over.
There are traces left of that. Pinky toes, wisdom teeth, pale skin (young bonobos and chimps have light skin), our upright stature, our ability to metabolize almost any food on the planet (save for grass, but the appendix was used to process bamboo and grass)
The reason women aren't giving birth to ape babies is the same reason, say, your aunt wouldn't be giving birth to you.
Modern apes are our cousins. We don't give birth to apes for the same reason whales don't give birth to carnivorous goats (that's what whales evolved from).
I've been studying genetics and evolutionary theory as a hobby since I was very young, and I can assure you we have more than enough proof to show that we came from apes. Now, who stimulated the rapid evolution, whether it was God guiding the path or apes eating mushrooms that opened new neural pathways, I don't know I don't intend to prove. I like some mystery and there are some things we aren't meant to know.


 Bleh... I respect your opnion and your information.......... but I still say it's bullshyt.  *<:)
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


QuoteModern apes are our cousins. We don't give birth to apes for the same reason whales don't give birth to carnivorous goats (that's what whales evolved from).
Actually it was cows, or are those just the dolphins? :?

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