
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Animal X

Started by Minitrini, February 10, 2007, 08:23:35 PM

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Does anyone rememebr this show? I used to watch it back wehn I was younger [I'm 15 now. XD].. It was about Cryptids; unidentified animals. It used to show on Animal Planet in half hour segments, I think. I rememebr it so clearly because I was what, 8 years old? And they showed a segemnt on alein big cats.. and one of them, something to do with it [it might of been devil dogs], was a story about a woman, who went in her shed in her yard, after haering something, and saw a large beast. It turned, and told her something, I don't remember, and its face... there was a composite sketch or something.. I screamed. And screamed. For half an hour. I swear to god, I was traumatized. I rememer not being able to sleep for weeks, running to my mom, weeping for like, an hour. I think it sparked my interest in paranormal.

So.. does anyone remember this show? Have any information on airtimes, or anything?


I can't recall seeing it, but we don't always watch Animal Planet.  I'll check around and see if I can find out more info on it.


It was on last summer for a while...  I was taping it... the show rocked, too bad that there was so few episodes. ^_^

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