
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Started by monstr, May 12, 2003, 01:44:14 PM

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What about Witchblade, I like the concept of this cyborg-witch


Would it be possable for a cyborg to harness the power of people?
You can run and you can hide
But some day you the demons will find


Do you mean Witchblade is a cyborg ?


What is Witchblade anyway.  I have never heard of it.
You can run and you can hide
But some day you the demons will find


Maybe another name ?  :?:

That girl that transform into a metal soldier with a sword on certain occasion - I think the spirit of the witch possess her.

On the beginning she find the glove then all her body gradually transform ...

I saw it on TV in 2001


It must be an American show because i have never heard of it.  Go Canada!!
You can run and you can hide
But some day you the demons will find

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