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Started by DeadlyMind9, March 28, 2005, 12:16:19 PM

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I believe I may be a werewolf (i know this sounds crude) but a year ago i had a dream that i went outside and got chased be were creatures... and I sleep walk ALOT so I believe I did go outside! and when I woke up I had scratches on me and scars that just magically appeared on my shoulders out of nowhere! ever since then I have acted ALOT different lately Im having dreams that im outside running on all fours with 2 or 3 other were's with me. a few nights ago all i wanted to do was go outside and run around well when I woke up the next morning my whole room was thrashed!!! i found cd's broken chairs on their sides cd's with bite marks taken out of them etc etc! I have also been having blood lust and such and i am acting more animalistic im not sure if i really am a werewolf or if i am suffering from lycanthrope please help anyone!!!
mess with the best die like the rest


Odn't worry, there are other werewolves here. Talk to Full Moons Rock, but I don't really see what you can do about it. After all, theres not really any way to turn back.

One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem



tahnx 4 the heads up i just dont want to kill anyone but the urge to feed is stronger hell last week a ate 10 sausages 2 pounds of turkey and a bunch of other meatey things and i dont even like sausage and ive never ever ate that much in my life! even when i fill up on stuff im still hungry for blood and meat and when i get the scent of someone i catch my self stalking them and i even caught myself panting a few days ago when it was really hot out
mess with the best die like the rest


I don't know your age, but you ound like a child to me. (No offense).

    If you are, tell your parents. They will probably not believe you, but unless you want to kill someone, you should tell them. If not, then you should get as far away from people as possble, or at least try to only eat deer or cows and such.
One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem


maggot man

He's not a were,just a kid suffering from a bad case of lycanthropy. As in the mental condition where the afflicted thinks he's an animal of some kind.


Im no kid im 17... i was just a lil hyper yesterday cuz I finally found others out there and im not suffering from lycanthropy. trust me I'd know.... so dont comment on such topics again.... No offense  :!:
mess with the best die like the rest


you dont know lycanthropy guy  :? you have lycanthropy nya nya


No I dont because I hear that after you change your very achey and its painful and such and the day I woke up I sore all over. It felt like I had run on all fours. I know I have changed and my temperment is becoming more wolf-like but believe me I have studied lycanthropy quite alot and I do believe I do not have it. I believe these happenings are genuine!
mess with the best die like the rest

maggot man

You aren't a were. Real weres don't find themselves burdened with a sudden craving for meat,nor do they believe that they actually change into wolves on full moons.


While it is clear that you do not believe, Maggot Man, Deadlymind9 clearly does. Regardless of whether he's really a were or not, we shoud nevertheless offer him advice. It's clear he thinks he's a were, and if he feels that some good advice would help him, than we should do just that. Personally, I'd recommend a good psychiatrist, but if Deadly feels that he requires some advice, state your opinions and then give him some advice.

One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem



my advice = go to texas stake house mm  mm good meat there and you fell off your bed smart guy and became sore cuz ur body is frail and wimpy. Lycanthropy or trying to impress people on a forum by picking on steriotipicle werewolf traits and throwing it at people on a message board. It might insult somone who is a real were (<-- i wonder if there is somone..) anyway doubt that it's like that and have you actually read "traits" to lycanthropy you think your a werewolf is #1 trait and you have it


but I never said that werewolves change at the full moon and I didn't fall off my bed trust me and if you all are gonna be rude then fark it I wont come back here but I seriously hope you get it 3 fold for being egonatistical pigs.... All I wanted was some help on the effects and maybe some HELPFUL oppinions! not anything rude or such. I also have read QUITE abit on this subject and I know all the effects of lycanthropy and such I do study quite well on these subjects. SO do not try to be so rude if you have something rude to say then bite you lip and shutup and dont say it because Im really not in the mood to listen to this but I do still wish to come here and look for someone to talk to. All I wanted was some info from someone who has already experienced this before. I know im gonna get more rude comments in the future and I know they wont stop but Id be happy to know that I at least said my side of the story. Now I want you all to know I am not trying to be rude or anything but Im just sick of everyone jumping to something and putting words in my mouth so ... could you all just help me out instead of being pricks!!!???  :evil:
mess with the best die like the rest


Gee.... I was trying to help you and you call me a prick.... That's nice...

   Forgive Sybon (he's possessed).

One who is all-powerful should fear everything

"See how your thumb can cover your eye and prevent the entire night sky from being seen? So too, can a small mind hide the truth."

Carpe Nocturnem


maggot man

This forum has had a long history of obnoxious kids passing themselves off as bloodthirsty weres or vampires in order to make screaming headlines on this forum. Some of these disturbed people even begun to delve into cannibalisim,convinced that their self proclaimed ''were'' nature excused them from the civilized norms and laws that govern humans nature,and in the process,shocked and disgusted the saner members of the forum who did not appreciate being given an informal lesson in the best ways of eating human flesh. This I know personally from my stint as maggot boy. So you see,Shadowling,I have no intention of entertaining the twisted and sinister fantasies of these indidviduals. Take them seriously and it will give them the tacit approval they crave.

This is not to say that I have ignored genuine weres. A young were by the name of JD Lupus was honest and truthful,at one point even confessing to me that he was a ''wannabe.'' But he was not,and discovered that when I directed him to a site where he learnt that he was a snow leopard were. So,Shadowling,I am not the cruel ''prick'' that Deadly Mind would have you think I am.


Have you ever seen american idol? Me shadow and maggot are the three judges, I guess i'd be simon and maggot would be randy shadow would be paula because hes the nicest. Listen, wolfy, theres a diffrence between rude and telling our oppinion. If you really do beleive your a were I guess I just may have to take your word for it. Although i here maggot says he knows a lot about werewolves, I just herd its a man who turns into a wolf or a beast at the night time. I diddnt here all that much about them running into the forest, reflexes improves, haveing an uncontrolable earge for meat/blood. All of these symptoms you have describes. Maggot did say that there have been a lot of people comming here to say that they are a were or something. Alexander is a excellent example of somone wanting to be noticed as something diffrent aka "My reflexes have improved, infact, once i was at a resteraunt and I dropped my spirte, without even noticing it my foot came out, kicked the spirte, and went back into my hand" Fat chance. He changes the story also he says that "I dont useally like to kill humans but I will if it means protecting myself" I here some weres on here say that they transform at night into a wolf and my useal response is you have a disease known as lycanthropy, I say that only if They tell us STERIOTIPICLE werewolf traits, like you did. Funny what people do when they get exposed. As in your straneg post up there insulting everyone on this board saying that there all rude.

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