
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Evolution of the mind

Started by ravinclaw, September 19, 2011, 09:50:28 AM

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Has anyone else noticed an increase in the level of strange events happening latley? Is the shroud between this world and the next becoming thiner, or are we just further developing the meens of tuning into it?

I have noticed a change in my own perception, especially over the last few years, but I am activly trying to further develope my mind. I have noticed that many others who dont believe or even care about anything paranormal/supernatural are starting to have many experiances with precognitave or postcognitave visions or dreams, seeing and comunicating with spirits and traveling through the astral without practicing it. Not just on the web either, people I know that have no desire at all to see these things.

I guess the question is, Is anyone else noticing this? Is it happening everywhere or should I check the water in my area?


lol Check the water just to be sure, but I too have noticed. Mostly more and more of my hard headed friends are starting to believe--be it because I proved or acted on their behalf in the situation, or by coming to me with situations they are experiencing on their own. You are not the only one. :) As for my range, it's from Alaska to Georgia, up to Virginia so xD It's all around. Maybe it was in the rain water :o


OMG I so did!!!! :-o

QuoteMaybe it was in the rain water

OMG!!! My family just came to this conclusion 2 minutes ago!!!! :-o


Damnit Ravin, repeating something I said some time back, but you actually get responses. But yeah, not only has there been more activity, but also more people believing because of experiences that they are now having. As to a cause, it's hard to say, but a lot of ideas come to mind. Could be the world slowly coming in to balance, or it could be the balance toppling over. Maybe enough people are starting to believe in the possibility, and are therefore opening their minds more, allowing themselves to see what they once ignored. I could go on and on, but I don't think the answer will be known until the events reach a certain peak.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Well, as I said before Vicious, Great minds think alike.  I must have missed your thoughts on it or I would have posted there.

My thoughts on the whole thing are somewhat mixed. 

We have the whole 2012 thing, which when you get right down to it, there was an alignment right around the time people came out of their caves and started building cities. There will soon be another just like the one that happened then.

Just what the hell dose the "Tower of Bable" refer to, if not the drawing together of the population.... a comon goal or common understanding. In that little story God himself was afraid he may be challenged by the power people can generate when they ban together.

Then it goes on..... and on...

I guess what Im doing at the minute is throwing random ideas out to be examined "Brain Storming" so to speak Hope you will join me in it.

Most of you have helped me in ways you dont even know, just by giving a different point of view.


It is believable. If you think of life or the universe as something that goes through cycles, it would make sense. As we evolved, we began believing in Gods and demons of many sorts, though they were not of the same name that they are now. Why wouldn't it make sense that, while we were towards one portion these beliefs would lose their hold, but as we come back around their strength begins to grow. Of course, if that is the case, then 2012 won't be the end. Though some seem to forget that it isn't supposed to actually be the end, so much as the beginning of the end. I guess that would fall in to what I mentioned earlier about balance, whether the balance is being lost or regained. Still, it could also have to do with the media, believe it or not. The media has been reporting on these types of things a bit more, not saying that they are real but not denying it either. That sort of thing could result in a slight change in some people, slowly opening their minds to new ideas. And, as much as some of you do hate them, the rise of 'paranormal' shows on television. More people seeing 'believers' attempting to capture proof, and some things being enough to at the very least open up the possibility in people's minds. I know, if that was the case then why is something happening to them now. Well, two reasons. First off, people only see what they want to see. So if they believed things like demons did not exist, then wouldn't they brush off anything that could in fact be connected to the 'beings' we all know and love? Secondly, for things like these to start being on the mind of the populace, I do believe that could be a factor to help draw 'beings' in. Though that one falls more in to a 'belief' I say to be true, in which enough people believing in something can in fact create that something. In my opinion (purely opinion, so no offense meant), we truly did create 'God'. Well, we created something, and named it 'God'. And I do stand and say that other beings (be them Gods or others) could have also been created by a populace. Not saying all of them were of course, but even then we gave them an identity. Anyways, long story short, the power of the human mind is indeed something to be careful with.

Ok now Ravin, you're turn. Begin!
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


this is actually the same conversation i had with my parents only a few days ago! i do agree that the media has played a huge part in most people "converting" to the belief of the paranormal, but on a personal note, i have noticed a lot more activity going on in the last year, and so much more in the last few months. there has been more going on in my house, and so many of my friends and family have come forward and said that things were happening to them, most of them had never believed in any of it either. so i agree with that fact that the mind is a powerful thing, for all i know it could be nothing, or it could just be that it's the same amount of activity as it always has been, but now more people are paying attention. it's hard to say. and as far as the 2012 thing goes, i don't think it's going to be the end or the beginning of the end at least not in an apocalyptic sort of way, but we are curintly watching the downfall of the american economy, so i think that 2012 is just going to be a shift in power, i don't think there's going to be anything paranormal about any of it. just my opinion, and it may have to do with the fact that i'm scared s**tless that we may actually see the end of the world  :|


Oh don't get me wrong, in no way do I believe 2012 will be the end or the beginning of the end. I was simply saying that, if one believed in that sort of thing, than to remember that it is supposed to be the beginning of something big, not the immediate end.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Also, has anyone noticed a higher number of shadows and orbs?


i've honestly noticed a lot more of everything, shadow people, orbs, voices, everything. at least in my house every once in a while we'd hear something or see something. but now it's every day; this morning i was sitting around waiting for my grandmothers nurse to show up and there was no one upstairs and i heard someone stomping around in my room ekkk! hahaha but it's not just at my house it's everywhere, so many people i know are saying the same thing, and that's coming from people that don't believe in any of this kind of stuff


Quote from: Nina on September 20, 2011, 01:46:37 PM
Also, has anyone noticed a higher number of shadows and orbs?

Yeah, shadows especially.  Many think a shadow is automaticly evil because its dark, I dont think thats always the case.

Alot of the people I've talked to localy are seeing them too. I live in a little one horse town, and around here, more with the old timers than others, if somethings going on there are only two possible causes. God or the Devil.  Thats probably what bothers me most about the rise in activity. It dosnt take much concideration to see how thinking like that can turn dangerous very fast.

Vicious, you have a point...more than one actually, but the only argument I have at the moment is this. I dont think we created gods and demons. Sure we did some of them. Humans are pretty bad to make s**t up to explain things they dont understand. But I do believe that we give them power. Not just by believing in them or praying to them, though thats where it starts. But what happens if we figure out how to harnes that power rather than giving it away to some higher being that may only be a higher being because it learned to do just that.

Quote from: mickey on September 21, 2011, 07:18:46 AM
i've honestly noticed a lot more of everything, shadow people, orbs, voices, everything. at least in my house every once in a while we'd hear something or see something. but now it's every day; this morning i was sitting around waiting for my grandmothers nurse to show up and there was no one upstairs and i heard someone stomping around in my room ekkk! hahaha but it's not just at my house it's everywhere, so many people i know are saying the same thing, and that's coming from people that don't believe in any of this kind of stuff

I know what your saying, Ive had quiet a few more experiances than usual latley. I already know the history in my area and some of it could stem from some of that, but I dont think thats all there is to it.


Definitely something that comes to mind as well Ravin, but as I stated some of them we gave an 'identity' to. And with that identity came power, since we did let some of them in to our lives. In a way, for some being at least, we even decided if they were bad or good. And of course, fear and hope can give power to them. Still, this is just one theory I have. I am dipped in madness, so that could be all it is. And still again, as I said, this is only one of my theories. There are many more, I just need to 'translate' them in a way.
"Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit."

"True warriors are humble men"


Mind Over Matter has and might always will be my favorite philosophy topic.

The first line out of the book we got, when I first started school was "If you believe it, are raised to believe it, and everyone else believes it... You can Fly."

I... don't remember who the line was by... and I've tried Google, only to fail. Haha

Anyhow, all of that thinking brought me to a conversation a friend of mine and I had about the old Quantum Leap show; if we can fly, can we jump?
So I started looking around, and found this:

Needless to say, I got a nice little chuckle out of it.
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."


Sorry, guess I'm just not as sensitive as the rest of you, but my town is just a small blip in the middle of three larger towns, and everyone here is a baptist who thinks that nothing happens without God or science behind it. So if anyone does see something like what you guys are talking about, they probably discounted it, nobody ever even talks about christian myths in my peice of smalltown hell.
Modify: No offense to others who love their small towns, I just feel like this place is a cage that'll trap me forever, and sometimes I need to vent.
When we are not curious about the world around us, we might as well be dead.


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