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A Were's Instinct...

Started by ArcticWolf88, November 09, 2011, 05:08:47 PM

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OK, now that my personal "Wolf Instincts" thread has served it's purpose by helping me and being the kind of wolf I am, I decided to use it to help the other Were's out there... :-D

OK, so it goes without saying that being an animalistic being (Were, Therian etc.) that we have the increased instincts of such an animal. The Rage and Bloodlust Instincts and the Territorial, Sex and Feeding Drives...they are as increased as (some) of our senses, so I was do all u animals out there control your Inner animal?

I've had a couple of people (you know who you are...) come to me for help on this topic and I'm finally gonna devote a thread to this...

Rage - Art and Exercise are the two things I use to keep anger from building up...If I work out after having a really bad day or w/e, and I mean WORKOUT...I wear myself down to the point where my muscles "shake and ache", and when I do that, I don't have the energy to be pissed off anymore!
I also artistically express my rage, a lot of my drawings can be pretty gory and violent (people being torn apart by thier inner wolf is pretty common theme) and the songs I write can be pretty violent too...but it helps me from ripping peoples head off!

Bloodlust - Little bit of a tougher one, but I still can control it... I'm a natural hunter, and I just LOVE to hunt, but due to restrictions by the Minnesota DNR and the pressures of other parts of my life, driving up North to go hunting isn't always an what I do is take a short trip to the local gun range/archery field and grab a gun/bow and arrow and have some target practice for myself to calm the desire to hunt...I feel like I'm hunting, but I'm not...kind of like a works for me I guess *shrugs*

Territorial Drive - Since I'm in a Co-Were Relationship, me and Lex both have these what we have done is take the spare bedroom and we made our own spaces in it...we each have a desk that is clearly ours...hers is really cluttered, has pictures of tropical oceans and family, her Gaga posters, her TV and her Wicca shrine...and my desk is clearly mine, is very organized with my giant stereo, millions of CDs, Wolf stuff, 3 Days Grace Posters, Photos of my family, pack, and friends and my Mexican we each have our own "Den" so to speak...I think everyone needs "their" own space, being a Were or not though...

Sex Drive - We arrive at the instinct that I have the most problems controlling! But being in a relationship with another Were, I'm a bit spoiled as she has the same issues :roll: But my friend Dom (Raccoon-Therian) is engaged to a Non-Therian woman, and I have told him, communication, communication, communication!...he needs to inform her that he has these problems and not make it an argument, but a discussion (which he kind of is stubborn about, I guess) and there are other ways I control it, but I'm not gonna mention those here, 'lest I be banned from another website :-P

Feeding Drive - I don't really have that much of a problem with this one, being in a household with two Were's (one of them pregnant) we always have a supply of pre-cooked rare steak in the fridge in my house for when the cravings hit real bad...

So that's how I handle my animalistic self...your turn to tell how you do, and you DO NOT have to be as detailed as I was, but I'm helping the other people that have PM and Emailed me as yea...on to you!

One's not "fuzzy" on the inside are welcome to comment on how they control their own primal sides as well :)
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


Thanks for posting this its been quite eye-opening for me. I am not saying I am however I feel these same instincts. I may need to think on it a bit, but once again thank you.


Oh, your welcome. And my inner wolf is stronger than a lot of Were's (or at least it seems so at times!), I experience ALL the classic instincts, not just a few of them, that's why the extensive list! ^_^;
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


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first sign of violence towards a packmate i want to fly off the handle take the creep by theneck and slam them full body up against the wall  while making it all to clear exactly what i will do to that sob in a loud raging snarling inhuman vioce if the creep dont back offf right quick and make thierself scarce.

i admit it i happento be deathly protective of my packmates and i have something of a temper to go with it especially if there is spilled blood or broken bones involved concentring one of my packmates as the victim of that violence.

in a hoenst fair fight i dont got no problem relying solely on my feet fists and wits to get me through a fight  but if the other guy chooses to fight dirty  pulling a knife a gun or a brocken glass bottle on me  i got no problem fighting dirty and even diertier to take the creep out in as quick and clean a manner as possible and if it means breaking out the fangs and claws fighting in a entirely animal liek manner then so be it.

only time i got any trouble controling my instincts is when someone atempts to harm a packmate of mine be they friend family relative or loved one or so much as even attempts to threaten any one i know asa packmae for that matter.

first sign of violence towards a packmate i want to fly off the handle take the creep by theneck and slam them full body up against the wall  while making it all to clear exactly what i will do to that sob in a loud raging snarling inhuman vioce if the creep dont back offf right quick and make thierself scarce.

i admit it i happento be deathly protective of my packmates and i have something of a temper to go with it especially if there is spilled blood or broken bones involved concentring one of my packmates as the victim of that violence.

in a hoenst fair fight i dont got no problem relying solely on my feet fists and wits to get me through a fight  but if the other guy chooses to fight dirty  pulling a knife a gun or a brocken glass bottle on me  i got no problem fighting dirty and even diertier to take the creep out in as quick and clean a manner as possible and if it means breaking out the fangs and claws fighting in a entirely animal liek manner then so be it....

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