
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Hey ok so its not the rite section but thats ok!!

Started by ModernDayVampire, May 25, 2005, 02:18:31 PM

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hey i was wondering do u ppl have pictues of yerself that u wood want to show us i did and was wondering what u guys looked like??

u kno that way we could all connect a face with words
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." - Light Yagami (Deathnote)

Queen raina Loup-Garou

I have no pic *crys* my scanner is being a big ol' you know what


Nopers.. haven't got one sry :( if i find a scanner i'll scan my school pic.. but that probably wont happen any time soon..
You cowered before me and I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down. AND I HAVE DONE IT ALL FOR YOU! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Isn't that generous?


aww bummer

comon does anyone else have a pic

(no porno)
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." - Light Yagami (Deathnote)

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