
Started by CelticBard, September 26, 2005, 11:39:51 AM

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Hey all,

Cant seem to find the one poem I was looking for.  It was entitled Skinwalkers and think it was posted on this site after the navajo legend of skinwalkers.

Hope you can help.  its for a discussion i'm having and can only remember bits of the poem.


..its amazing how the passing sounds of a car transform into the lonely howl of a wolf on the tundra if you're in the right mental state..

I recomend that you PM Voo, I think she was the one with the poem...

Yes, it was deleted when we got hacked. I don't know where I found it now but I will try to find it for you. Darn that hacker! So many good and interesting things have been deleted that we'll probably never get back. Sorry. I suggest you go to google or yahoo search if it's very important. Will get back to you. *DooVoo's reign of terror striking hackers everywhere*

Hey, is this it!!!???


We come from the mountains
we come from the forests
in your kind's flesh.
We come to feast
we come to take
you and your beautiful flesh.
We scream at the night sky
we howl at the moon high
the time to feast is nigh.
We tear your skin
we swallow you whole
we use your bones to make our bowls.
The crackling of flesh on our feast fires
the splintering of bones being crushed
the taste of your clean wholesome flesh.
Your screams of fear
your screams of hate
your screams of pain.
We hunt on wings, legs, and paws
we hunt with talons, fangs, and claws
we hunt on two legs with sear and arrows.
We will take you.
We will take your kin.
We will take your skin.

unknown author