
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. - Oscar Wilde

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Den Rules

Started by The_Seeker, February 01, 2006, 06:41:35 PM

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Here are, once again, the united rules of the Den to be followed by all members here without exception.  Most are simple and easy to understand.  This is not in any way an attack on a specific individual.

1)No flamming
2)No trolling
3)No spam
4)Obey the moderators.  If you disagree with a moderator, please PM another moderator or administrator.  We want to work with all members to make this a comfortable atmosphere.
4)No topics specifically posted on how a specific person can become a werewolf ie "can someone bite me?"  Hypothetical topics, however, will be allowed so long as they remain hypothetical in nature.  These will also be under strict supervision.
5)Role-playing of any kind will not be tolerated here.  Any role-playing topics found will be deleted 48 hours after the author has been notified.  If you want the topic to be moved to the RPGs and Gaming section, you must have a/the moderator(s) of that section send a PM to a/the moderator(s) of the Den giving permission for the topic relocation.

Should there be any questions about these rules, please contact a moderator.

Moderators may also give suggestions.  While not mandatory, it is highly advisable that you consider

(added) As said before. Please keep all "how can I be a werewolf, How do I know if i'm a werewolf," and other related topics to a bare minimum.

Thank you

~Queen Raina

Note from Alphamale:

It is ok to be a skeptic, but please, voice your opinions in a respectful manner, any posts that are offencive will be deleted, you have been warned.

Queen raina Loup-Garou

*signs at the bottem* I agree with seeker on this


Emphasis NO ROLEPLAYING. Comprende?
* Ever Watching*


what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


This I totally agree with and have set as sticky to remind ALL of the rules that should be followed in the Den.

Please follow these rules so everyone can have a good time  :-)


"Why would it be a spirit at all? I find it disturbing that you would consider someone's 'were-side' as a separate entity when it should be an aspect of themselves. I don't know if people would enjoy being possessed the way you consider a WereWolf."


May we all run free with the Moon Goddess......

Bekah Anne

i agree with this. lets just make friends!
werebeast from the east-BeKaH_aNnE


please don't make fun of me but what is flamming?
New Signature


Flaming (also known as bashing) is hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users.

you are what you think you are,
what you feel you are, and
most importantly who you tell yourself you are.
so think think positive.
life's to short for negative thinking.
all wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers


i Dont, Therians Ruleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Yeah, therians all da way, yeah i wish i could take off were on my profile
Power speed sneakiness smell hearing, my traits,the traits of a tiger.


Someone, please, explain to tigger here that he is doing Therians everywhere a disservice simply by existing.


First let me say that the Den RULES cover every thing its plain just keep it clean and everything will be all right by the way I'm new here hope to talk with all soon. :-D

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