
I'm not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted hotels, I'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings. - Walter Jon Williams

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Why do we fear the dead/undead?

Started by phyrrestar, November 30, 2006, 03:13:18 PM

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This is something I've always wondered.  I for one don't fear death itself, yet I am absolutely terrified of the undead.  Just looking at even obviously fake images of zombies and ghouls makes my skin crawl.  If I watch a scene from a movie or game involving any sort of undead creature I tend to spend all night awake because images and feelings of them coming for me plague my mind.

Although I may have a somewhat extreme fear, Hollywood has been using these people/creatures to instill horror in its viewers for quite a long time.  So what is it, exactly, that makes them seem so frightening to so many?  Is it because it seems "unnatural"?  Perhaps because we don't know how to protect ourselves against something like that?  Though you all might not share this fear, I am curious if you can shed some light on it.




No, I fear them hunting me(among a few other things).  I understand most of my fears, but my question is much more general.  I'm asking why murderers are glorified and the undead are meant to be frightening in movies and games.  I'm wondering why there are so many horror stories and frightening folk lore about those who rise from the dead.  I'm questioning what makes many humans fear something that has died being given life a second time.


Truth is that I don't fear death, I see nothing wrong with dying, it's just the opposite of birth.

I feel no fear of the undead and yes disgust. Did you ever imagine what a zombie smells like with all that rotten flesh? Gross, bacterias, germs, yuck I admire death but at least a clean one. 0:)

I like death mainly for the fact that it is the last step to eternal rest. Many exuasted souls desire this deeply, and the ghosts are the imprints of the departed spirits for some reason didn't get to go on vacation from this world full of pain and suffering, it scars us too viciously that there no way how to go on in this state.

(Look how rarely intelligent I sound when I said this, wow ~_^.)

12oz mouse

Its the lack of closure. If somone dies you no longer think of them in the same way as the living. Somone that comes back from the dead once might do so again. The term dead and buried no longer applies, you cant move on or forget
He who makes a beast of himself forgets the pain of being a man.


they personally dont bother me except the smell. : :|

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