
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Age of Wolves (A Novel by McGivvern)

Started by McGivvern, January 11, 2008, 09:27:18 PM

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I'm writing a Novel at the moment. It's kinda getting too long to post here so I'll just post a link to my site. There you can find the Novel (First 3 Chapters finished), some background info on the Characters and the Races in the Novel and some assorted other thingies.

Hope you'll like it.


Had an unexpected downtime, but the site is back up.

The improved site that is ;)


what doesn't kill you makes you stronger



First Story competition ended. Second coming up. Only $25 to win


Finally moved and improved the Site. has been born.

Live Chat. Shoutbox, and of course a Moon Phase indicator. (Oh and several new Short Stories)

In a week or so 2 new Chapters will be added.


And moved the site again. (I'm a busy fellow aren't I)
Working hard on improving the looks. Let me know think anything should be added or removed.

Still trying to add stories and Chapters on a weekly basis, but since I also have a daytime job, sometimes I don't get to complete something. Bear with me, have patience, and don't be a stranger.

Oh, the new location is:

Yeay. Always wanted a .com site.

Greetings Frank (aka McGivvern)


Finally. Finally I managed to add some new Chapters, new Stories and do some updates to

Real life can be pretty annoying, but I guess things are back on track again, so expect frequent updates in the next few months :-D


Those were great stories, I just loved. Thank you very much.
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack

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