
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Does anyone know where I can get...

Started by Daemonin, August 13, 2008, 09:05:12 AM

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Emilie Autumn fan huh? I'm willing to bet money I'm the only other person who's heard of her.


Yes, I am an Emilie Autumn fan.  Very very much so.


Quote from: Daemonin on August 13, 2008, 04:09:22 PM
Yes, I am an Emilie Autumn fan.  Very very much so.

Quote from: Moloch on August 13, 2008, 04:05:46 PM
Emilie Autumn fan huh? I'm willing to bet money I'm the only other person who's heard of her.

I thought I was the only fan here!


lol, guess you thought wrong then.

Who doesn't love Emilie Autumn??  :-D



Good thing I'm not a gambling man then, huh?


I use to be a hard core fan but some one ruined the music for me, I make sure I never hear that Siren's voice again! Kadesh how ever thinks she is annoying, back when I still was all aobut it, I sent her some of her songs, and shes like, I must not like Siren music then.
The Dragon of Monsterous.


 Not liking something and finding it annoying are two seperate things. I'd state which one I actually said.... but I don't remember that.  *<:)
And they don't make corsets like they used to. Whale bone being illegal to have now and all... :roll: But I dooooo loooove them! I want a Merry Widow so bad. Red satin with black lace trim. *droolz*
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


You could always check on midget undergarments websites  *<:) *<:) *<:) *<:) No jk. I'm sure there are small frame websites out there, you're not the only one.
Nothing brings you closer to reality
Than the taste
Of rejection


Mmmm midgets, short chicks are so hawt!
The Dragon of Monsterous.


Quote from: ImmortalKain on August 17, 2008, 02:38:19 AM
You could always check on midget undergarments websites  *<:) *<:) *<:) *<:) No jk. I'm sure there are small frame websites out there, you're not the only one.

LOL! I'm not a midget!  I'm 5'2", far from it!  :-D  And I'm going to search for a good website that won't empty my bank account :roll:


Same here Dae. It rocks being 5'2, and of delicate small frame. It's hard for me to find anything small enough for me, let alone corsets... although I LOVE corsets. There are many online shops to buy from, but I get mines in local stores. It's the minute I try them on that I realize getting a small corset will take long to find, lol.


Quote from: Sick_Angel13 on August 18, 2008, 06:58:08 AM
Same here Dae. It rocks being 5'2, and of delicate small frame. It's hard for me to find anything small enough for me, let alone corsets... although I LOVE corsets. There are many online shops to buy from, but I get mines in local stores. It's the minute I try them on that I realize getting a small corset will take long to find, lol.

I'm not alone!!! :-D

The local stores around here... um... for lack of better terms suck.  Where I live now there is NOTHING good except the local haunted cemetary that I don't really think is haunted.  But, I'm going to be moving soon and I'm pretty sure there will be better stores to investigate :evil:


 Geeze.... I'm starting to feel like Shrek!  *<:) Nearly 5'6'' and well... NOT small. LOL. I often do feel ogre-ish though. Hmm... sorry.. wandered off topic.

I'm not sure about where online you can get smaller corsets, but I've got the spare time to try and find out.  :roll:
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Well if you've got an 'Underworld' near you, they usually have some pretty tiny corsets and other neat things and I really do mean the boutique. Or just walk into your nearest Victorias Secret (or whatever) and pick out the scariest thing they've got...should work.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

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