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Odd occurences

Started by KitsuneFue, November 25, 2008, 07:18:31 PM

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This seems like the right place to post this... And if it's not, I'm sure Bill will inform me.
I was wondering if anyone else had experienced things like sleep levitation, auto drawing/writing while asleep, and speaking languages you don't know in your sleep.

I've experienced sleep levitation twice, both with witnesses. The first time was nearly 3 years ago. I had my sister over for the night and we were sleeping in my room. I heard my sister scream and opened my eyes, only to fall face first into my wicker dressers top shelf. My sister had screamed because she had felt me get out of the bed and when she looked to see where I was, I was hovering about five and a half feet off of the ground, right above my dresser.

The second time was about 2 months ago, my best friend was spending the night. He's a light sleeper in that if he becomes uncovered, he'll wake up. We had gone to bed around 1:30 AM. He had woken up because I pulled the blankets off of him, when he saw where I was he called out to me. I woke up to him calling my name and promptly smacked my face off of my drawing desk. I still bear the scar from that one, right beneath my left eye. Both times it happened shortly after 3 AM.

I've woken up to auto drawing/writing once. I keep my drawing utensils beside my bed on my drawing desk along with my paints, drawing tablets, and canvas boards. I had passed out around 8 PM and woke up around 3:30 AM because my hand felt cold. When I woke and looked to see why my hand was cold, it was covered in paint. I turned on my light and discovered that I had painted a picture of something horrible. I've no clue what it is, seems like a demon of some sort. But it was ghastly to look at and it had a name written beneath it in a language I could only identify as being very ancient. I got rid of it shortly there after.

My friends often report me speaking a language that sounds like an old form of russian. I don't know a word of russian, but my sister and one of my friends do know a little.

All in all, I'm confused and wondering if anyone else has experienced things like this.
Un giocatore infelice รจ un amante felice!


I think this is as good a place as any to post this.

I would like to create a little bubble around this thread where we can enjoy this at our ease, free from heavy rationality and sceptics.
So by the power invested in me as mod of this dreaming domain I hearby cast out sceptic skeptics and over-rational nonbelievers from the rest of this thread.

If you are dreaming, fully believe, or otherwise in an altered state, welcome.

I've only ever personally experienced stuff like this when awake. I have also known people who have done similar things whilst awake in altered states.

I did once have a friend who had some pretty wierd stuff happen to him in his dreams though.
He would often go to sleep in one place and wake up somewhere else. Never very far away, but definitely not where he first lay down. For a few years he had a whole other life going on every time he went to sleep. I know he found it difficult to cope with when the two realitites started merging.
The experiences did finally diminish and his life is now as shallow and boring as everyone elses.

I am also reminded of a guy I once met who confided in me that he would sometimes wake up in a different world. He had a terrible stutter, extreme confidence issues, and basically lived out on the edge of society amongst environmental campaigners. He would never drink alcohol or touch drugs due to extreme anxiety associated with them. He mysteriously dissappeared one day. No one really missed him. Not sure where he went.

If I had to have a stab at explaining what was going on I would say that elements of your dreaming attention and your waking attention have swapped places. Ie your physical form starts to do stuff normally only possible in dreams.

Of course this is totally far fetched and I wouldn't expect anyone sane and intelligent to believe such nonsense is even possible.  However I am writing this from a state of dreaming so I can dispense with all that heavy rationality stuff. It just weighs you down resulting in your crashing into the bed.

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