
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Started by 7VII7, December 18, 2008, 05:33:41 PM

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This isn't exactly a dream but it always comes to me when I let my mind wander or when I'm between sleep and being awake, here's what I remember.

First off everything has a green tinge but not an unatural one just a greenish tinge and isn't earth, that much I know. In it I'm someone else, a boy about my age and who looks like me but I know isn't me, the hair isn't quite the same shade as mine and is in a different style and there's a scar on the boy's face, I know this becomes I'm looking at my reflection over the side of the ship bored out of my mind, I can remember somethings about this boy's life he was born in a city on the coast and he had always planned for a life on the high seas he'd been in and out of boats most his life but always in the habor so he laughed whenever people were sea sick, thinking he'd never be sick like that, he was wrong.

A couple months before the time the day dream takes place he finally managed to get a job on a ship and set out for the open seas, but the waves there were much bigger then the ones in the harbor and for the first week out he was constantly over the rail pucking his guts out.

Have you ever felt someone else puke from inside them? Trust me, not fun, anyways I can always remeber that event in my daydream just like remembering a very embarassing event in my own life, but anyways after a week or so his stomach calmed down and he figured out just how boring sailing on a ship is, which brings us back to the present where somebody begins shouting at him, it's the cook, something about washing dishes, with a depressed sigh he turns to slouch back to the galley but I always loose the daydream just as he's turning back from the rail so I can never see the rest of the ship . . .

So, thoughts, ideas?
I have multiple personalities, one is a were-Sheepenguin, one is a fruit vampire, one likes to imagine cruel and unusal totures, that one's name is Bob the VI.



Its easy to speculate what might be happening here.
However all that will do is give a list of guesses as to what is going on.
I'm not sure how helpful that would be.

Have you ever read up much on lucid dreaming?
I ask because I think to find out more about this you may have to go deeper into the experience.
Lucid dreaming control might help with this.


That aint daydreaming, its called tripping....  :roll:

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