
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Gods and Past Warriors on Earth.

Started by hasufel, March 25, 2009, 02:21:08 AM

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Some claim that the end of the world (or the new beginning) is near. My friend, who studies Paganism and Mythology told me that on Earth are being born warriors from the past and reincarnated gods.....preparing for the last battle, that which is called Ragnarok in Norse Mythology.....

what are your opinions? What do you think about it? Feel free to say all of your opinions..... I am interested in many different answers.  :-)


There is also a theory that all who ever lived on Earth have being reincarnated right now and here, to witness the end. That children your friend was talking about could easily be the crystal generation. 


If people are being reincarnated to witness the end, it would explain the ever rising population of the earth.
~~An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass~~


absolutely, over population has nothing at all to do with people finding solace in each others company during hard times or the serious lack of sex education through out the world.

the end of times have been  happening since, well...since humanity has had to face massive disasters, what do you think those that survived plagues with wars were thinking?

even revelations is theorized to be dealing with the writers "end of times" living beneath nero.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


I have friends who have reincarnated and they do so after they die, or after they are done with their previous life - I don't believe that they simply come back for "the end", but things are happening. So far, not many people have/are noticing - perhaps they never will; but then again, "normal" people are like that...
"We're all one race - human" ...Really?


that's more spot on for the original idea of reincarnation, people get reincarnated to perfect their soul before nirvana, not witness the end of times, unless your a new age wiccan, then it's your typical western spin on eastern philosophy and a free for all.

why would any god/dess make itself mortal when their followers would need them the most and how would past warriors that have already been allowed into Valhalla be sent back?

it makes no spiritual sense, more people should read neil gaiman's american gods; it may be fiction but it's reasonable fiction that presents a more practical scenario as to the behavior of the gods towards the end of times.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Jordyn... what is this?! You've been saying more and more things lately that I agree with! You must be losing your touch!  *<:)

By all means, read Neil Gaiman's "American Gods", it's an absolutely fantastic book, and does what Jordyn says it does.

As to the original idea... no comment... no comment... no comment.

rave phillaphia

we got to remember that in america we pick and choose our religions. We pick what we want to use in our beliefs because it is more appealing. That is one of the reasons new age is appealing because we can choose what to believe.

But i believe in reincarnation just other things don't make sense to me. I believe in reincarnation because of logical/scientifical sense.

:focus: the whole end idea i have no clue... I am the wrong person to ask because I gave up on figuring out what is that truth. I am searching. when I find out I will let you all know but for now  :evil:


Quote from: Moloch on March 30, 2009, 08:19:16 AM
Jordyn... what is this?! You've been saying more and more things lately that I agree with! You must be losing your touch!  *<:)

By all means, read Neil Gaiman's "American Gods", it's an absolutely fantastic book, and does what Jordyn says it does.

As to the original idea... no comment... no comment... no comment.

i'm not having to defend my beliefs so much anymore, it allows me time to consider other aspects about people and their spirituality.  :)
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


So..... asuming that you were reincarnated. who would you like to have been? *<:)

Anyway, this theory would hold some merit. The idea of reincarnation may tie in with precognition.

AHEM. Supposing a Saracen gets a vision of a future where he is a Pimp with glittery bling and noble purple fuzz caps. he could attribute that to a vision of heaven where where Allah rewared him with beautiful women and cool pimp clothes!....... He also gets a view of his future life as a slumdweller in a city with baaaaad air pollution and massive towering bulidings.
Hell of starvation and sadness and loss of hope where he can't do s**t.

And then the flying carpets..... don't plane's have carpeted floors?

Yep this is going nowhere.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Wait and see, I think this is another poopie as the 2000 one.
There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...


Speculation is a great passtime. It let your mind fly and your stress levels drop.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Yep. And it's NEVER as bad as you think.
There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...


Yeah I agree. Kinda have to knowing what I know and what I have lived through.
I do believe that both sides are setting up the pawns and getting closer to the end times.
But I also believe that we still have many more years to go.
For if the biblical revalations is trueth- then yes some things are coming to pass- but still a lot more needs to happen.
Even before the anti christ will show himself, there will be ONE united world order and ONE world money system.
For if you dont have the beast's mark- you cant buy or sell.
And any who reseave it are lost- with no hope of being saved.
The pawns are setting themselves up- the quesion is what is your end choice/ if it is in your lifetime even.
I don't make sense - I got my pride
Don't need no meaning
I feel no shame - I will not believe
I got no choice - I'm out of control
And I love it

Andrea Warfare

How can you know who you were in your past life?
We are all unique.You my dear are uniquely non-unique.

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