
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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The Grudge

Started by Anonymous, October 24, 2004, 03:07:12 AM

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It made me jump a few times thats all, it could have been better but it could have been a hell of a lot worse.


I found it particularly scary due to the fact that the killer dead chick would go to endless lengths to kill you once you had stepped inside her house, and the fact that her kid sounded like a cat. Those who have some idea of Japanese mythology would agree with me or at least understand.

Zak Roy Yoballa

I am fascinated by oriental mythology but am a little ignorant about it.  Could you explain a little more on what you mean?  And ghosts in general kinda creep me out, especially children.  I watched "Six Sense" again last night got goose bumps when the little girl ghost appeared in the little red tent!  

Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.


Well, from what I understand to be true, and I could be wrong, that in Japanese culture many of their demons are in the form of animals. In many of their books that are becoming ever so popular now a days their are good and bad demons that either have the ability to turn into humans who are naturally animals, or humaniods, those who have both human and animal characteristics. In many instances the Japanese use dogs and cats as their animal of choice. This in turn, being known by many Japanese children as ghost stories, we get Japanese movies such as the Grudge where dead children meow and bark right before their demonic parental figures rip your heart out or eat you alive. Now like I said before I could be wrong.


I liked the Grudge I thought it was funny.
Blesse be,
Goddess bless,
Merry Part,


I really liked The Grudge, but a good horror movie should include a little less famous actors, because then it feels more realistic.

And a thing that bothered me a bit was my friend.  I shouldn't take her with me to see the movie, because she was so freaked out.  She just kept saying omg, omg, omg, omg...
we are all much more complicated than our names

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