
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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Interesting thought.

Started by Aniyu, August 19, 2009, 10:55:26 AM

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My pack and i recently went running. I believe a demonic force attacked us. Our "alpha" seemed to think it was vampires. Though i only saw shadows. This isn't the first time. Two of the females have been previously encountered though i don't know details. Though this most recent alot of us were choked. The others were cut and bruised. Though we really couldn't see our attackers. They looked like the air above hot surface. (for lack of better description)
I live in missouri any one else seem to have these problems and any way we can stop this to preserve our "stomping ground"?
Any idea may be helpful.
There is another world inside of me that you may never see and part of me is fighting this....yet part of me is gone.


wish I could help Aniyu, but I dont know,

This place that you were, was it somewhere new to you or have you been there before without anything hapening? the reason Im asking is it could be asociated with the land itself. or not.


I think the description you're looking for is haze? I doubt it would be vampires as a pranic manipulating his energy into this kind of form (they usually couldn't take this form themselves) wouldn't leave bruises or scratches on you but simply leave you feeling weaker. It is supernatural obviously, however this may not be a living, thinking entity but a spell or other kind of defence protecting a certain area or thing, like ravinclaw said.

I suggest that you check out the areas history and keep your eyes open for sightings of this kind of thing elsewhere. It would be best to leave these places alone in the future and find other 'stomping grounds' that are safe.

Also, if you could give us more details about how the force attacked? Did you run further into the area? Did it follow you? Did the group seem to be following a predetermined plan? Did you feel any residue emotion like anger or hate? (asking because corporeal bodies aren't as efficient at containing emotions or thoughts).
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


well no this isn't a new area for us. We've been running here a long time. 2 years or more at least. No we didn't really run farther. We projected violent energy back at them and the haze disappeared. They kept their distance after that.

Well we were gathered and this is one of the few times all of us are together. So we were playful and wild and were getting ready to run when convulsions shook all of us. Then we started coughing and soon gathered together. Using energy of the pack we chased or destroyed those in the vicinity. Well by the end of the night all of us felt weaker. The house we gather at is protected by strong spells but we were in the park nearby. Gathered at the playgrounds(castle) everything seemed to chill and we returned home.

It did follow us. It follow us, especially if we went off by ourselves. The scratches were not bad, just annoying and swelled up fairly bad. Like worse than usual scratches of the same nature.

As for the end of the night, we were horny and tired. At least i and my mate were. The omega of the pack who is more sensitive to emotions was pretty pissed off. So i dunno.
There is another world inside of me that you may never see and part of me is fighting this....yet part of me is gone.


I am the spirit of the wolf, the fire of it's heart.

Sometimes life seems too quiet
Into paralyzing silence
Like the moonless dark

-Sorrow by Flyleaf

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