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Ghosts; why do or don't you believe in them?

Started by Fatass, August 25, 2009, 07:41:24 PM

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None of the ghost-related subforums seemed appropriate.

So, in this thread let's talk about the existence of ghosts.

Personally, I think it's too much of a logical jump. I mean, everyone has had creepy things happen to them, but none of them point directly to ghosts - people seem to assume that's what it is because it's the most popular paranormal concept, and rational answers, no matter how much more likely they are, aren't satisfyingly creepy enough for a creepy experience.

I mean, people talk about things like doors slamming, inexplicable noises, vague senses of unease, weird coincidences. And as unnerving as all these things are, none of them have anything to do with dead people or the existence of souls. I can't see any way to rationalise hearing a weird noise in an old house, or witnessing a creepy coincidence, and jumping to the conclusion that our thoughts somehow continue after the brain they occur in has rotted, and we walk around having nothing better to do than cause electric blackouts, and somehow reflect magical special light that only cameras can pick up, even though cameras and human eyes work on the same principle.

So, thoughts?


Well I kind of agree with you, the logic behind it isn't really well.... logical? XD

But I mean, when you've done things with your mind that science and logic tells you you can't, you kind of question logic and common sense.. in my case anyway... As much as I love physics and technology, some things just can't be explained with science imo.

I never really believed in the whole special camera light thingy, they're all potential hoaxes this kind of stuff can be done in no time on photoshop, but some people have said that they've seen things like objects moving on their own. (I'd say it's probably geisting; unconscious telekinesis caused by emotional stress.)

So... I'm not sure where I stand on this matter... I'm halfway between believing and not believing in ghosts
Seek not beauty in battle. Seek not beauty in death. Consider not your own life. If you wish to protect that which must be protected, then strike when your opponent's back is turned.


 I believe in them. How can I not when they show themselves to me and talk to me? Or when one wants me dead, lol.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


this really depends on what you believe, what you believe in and what you want to believe. yes, you are correct. ghosts and other things like that have almost no logic at all but then again, there have been a number of instances wherein ghosts were proven.

for me, this all comes down to a little bit of a yes and a bit of no as well. again, this all depends on you.

personally also, i believe in the existence of ghosts. well, i don't like calling  them ghosts but more like spirits or entities. why? because i've already seen one and experienced some weird happenings when my a few of my relatives died.
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


 You know what they say..... "Seeing is believing."
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


I have seen enough to tell me it is true, i got alot of personal experiances to believe in them, seems like the supernatural Revolves around my life lol


My opinion, sry, but ghosts don't exist in the way people think of them...
The shapes we see are mostly astral or shadow projections of people or beings.
Sometimes it's spiritual energy leaving an image behind, but it just floats there.

The doors slamming could be done by shadow forms, my teacher, for one, can do this and everytime he does it, it scares the poop out of me though Oo, he always moves something in my room (I have an item he needs to move so I know he's there) but he can't control that ability too well so multiple items move xD
Today an empty can on my desk just went flying to the floor... and it was at the far side of the desk near the wall and my desk was empty beyond that! I was in my sofa so I jump a hole in the air at that point xD Then I looked at the object and it had rotated, meaning he was there xD
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


 Ghosts can do quite a few things themselves. Shadows and ghosts/spirits are not the same things. An astral projection of a ghost? I don't think so. The spirit is as real as I am. Being able to see it is something I can't explain, but it's there. Astral projection is a fancy term for hologram. The things I've seen... were not holograms.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


seeing is believing...but then again, looks can be deceiving. heh, still both a yes and a no  :-D
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger


 I wonder how many times someone has seen something, only to dismiss it as their mind/eyes playing tricks on them? It makes me think of a video camera. Our eyes and mind are trying to focus on it, to make sense of it, and because they can't, we just dismiss it as nothing... or a trick of the light.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Yeah but what if there actually was something there and yet non beleivers say it was nothing


 Exactly my point. They can't explain it, so it can't be real. Not everything in this world is logical.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...


Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


 That's what all of us are doing, Lex. Opinions based on our personal knowledge. Some have more 'personal' knowledge than others, lol.
...The monster in the cage
       Is coming for you...

Andrea Warfare

I believe in spirts/ghosts/astral beings/ because I have seen and felt them.I've experienced things that couldn't be scientifically explainable.For example,I went through a screen door to my garage threw in some laundry opened the screen door to go back in the house and a rake from the backyard shed was propping it open...a light dimming to almost completely off while a portrait of my deceased uncle slammed down and the kitchen door slammed shut,all at once.I've seen blackest of the black shadow looking forms walking in my hallway that seem to never end.I always have these experiences in my moms house when I spend time over there and when I sleep over there I have realistic nightmares and things&experiences from those nightmares play out in my day around the house and backyard.
Like,I had a nightmare that my 1st dog was being hung by satan and when I went outside to the tree there was a deep laceration on the tree that wasn't there before and there was a rib bone that was large in shape...I don't know if it was my dog but it sure is a coincidence.
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