
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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My life haunted by a dream

Started by akb4101, June 16, 2010, 04:08:18 AM

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I'm not really sure how to start or if this is even the right place to put this, but here I go.

When I was about 7 I started having bad dreams. Every night. To the point where I could wake myself up when one started to happen. Then, one night when I was 9 I had a nightmare and thought I woke myself up. I was on the bus to school and talking to my cousin when I realized I didn't remember getting ready for school. He said "well, if your still asleep, just pinch yourself", so I did and woke up in my bed or so I thought. I started to sit up in bed and a giant beast shattered through my door coming at me so I tried to wake up again. When I did "wake up" it was the same thing three or four times in a row, I wake up, look around, think "OK, I'm awake, it's over" the beast would bust through the door again until I finally woke up and was petrified for the next four hours until daylight. I was not able to sleep in that room again. I would sneak into the living room and sleep on the couch, floor, whatever. A few years later, I moved to another house @200 miles away. I had no more dreams about it until I was about 15. It was not nearly as bad, but I was watching the beast as it hunted for me. I woke up and it came for me the next night. Since that time, I have never been able to stay attached to an area for very long before the dreams start again. I have given up my house and job in the past and am tired of running.
Now for background that I have discovered over the last few years. My older sister used to have that room and performed seances (Sp?), Ouigie boards, etc. until it got to the point where she could no longer sleep there, so she convinced my parents to switch our rooms. She claims to have seen dark faces looking in the windows at her when the windows were over 10' from the ground outside, things moving in the room, voices, etc.
So can someone tell me if this is me having a recurring bad dream over 26 years and it is all a coincidence, or do I owe my sister a butt kicking for introducing a lovely little entity to my life?

rave phillaphia

I honestly couldn't tell you unless I ran some tests. Also did your sister have the first room or the second room when you moved into the new house?


Hi akb, sooner or later we all have to face our demons. I think it is high time you faced yours.


Rave: When we moved to the second house, my sister did not come with us. She had already moved out.

Bill: Yea, I know it is past time. I just kinda wanted to figure out if it was a "personal" demon that I was facing or something else  :-D I guess it doesn't matter either way, still gotta be done.


Thats the thing about your situation, however you want to understand it it is a personal demon for you. You either face this head on, or keep running.
Its your life and therefore your choice. All that is new is that you are actually aware that you have a choice now.
The explanation of 'what it is' is not as important as what you are going to do about it.

We on the forum can come up with all sorts of descriptions and names for this. The only thing this will do is modify your thoughts about it before you take your decision.
Thats why i say that having an explanation for this is a 'red herring' that keeps you from making your real choice. All it will do is help you delay and delay and delay.

You want to know if you should blame your sister. Well that also another example of avoiding what you are facing.
This is your life you are living, it is your challenge to face.

If you choose to run again well thats up to you. You want help in understanding this, this is my help.
Of course if you choose to stay and face it then our help may well be different.
Decision time for you me thinks


Well; to be honest, I had made the decision before I posted. That is what took me a few months before I could decide whether or not to join.  I probably should have called the thread "Picking a Fight", because that was kinda the point. I figured it would either bring whatever psychological beast I have been running from to the forefront; or if it something else, I'm sure talking or asking about it will get some attention. Maybe not the smartest move, but the one I have chosen.

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