The Mummy

Started by Brendon87, July 06, 2010, 03:23:25 AM

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just wondering how many have seen the original 1930's version of The Mummyy?
i want to belive....yes, i know its a rip off lol

me  :-D I wish I owned it.... I do have a poster from that movie though hanging from above my bed. I love the classics <3 I have a lot of Karloff movies and Lugosi and Vincent Prince movies XP yes showing off my classyness lol get it classic horror nevermind....
"Man has his will- but woman has her way" Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hella fury like a woman scorned." William Congreve

well guess what lol, i have a copy ofthe original mummy in my hand right now on dvd, if your ever in Australia, u can borrow it lol
i want to belive....yes, i know its a rip off lol

I got a copy (old one too) of it on VHS

I love the old classic B/W horror flicks, considered tame by todays standards with all the guts and gore in movies now

To me these are more scary than new ones, black and white, creepy old music, plus the most important thing, Chaney,Karloff,Lugosi...they could act 
What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy?

We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no-one may pass. We live for the One, we die for the One